They smashed the face of a Leadonners official with punches when he was separating two prisoners who were fighting

They smashed the face of a Leadonners official with punches when he was separating two prisoners who were fighting

we Assault on an official In Catalan prisons, now A Leadoneers. The events occurred on Friday when one of the trainees, who had only been working for one day, left his job in the kitchen of his own volition, where he was able to learn… ElCaso.catSaha Fight with another prisoner. The head of the unit tried Intervention to separate the two people He stopped the confrontation, but the first trainee started doing so Attacking sick cops. The official ended up shocked and with Face smashed and covered in bloodThat’s why he had to receive medical help.

This incident occurred and is one of many similar attacks that occur in Catalan prisons day after day MR3It is one of the worst units, as there are inmates accused there Violent crimes and murderAs well as some aspects that make coexistence difficult. In fact, in this very unit, not long ago One prisoner stabbed another. This is not an isolated case in Lledoners. In the past month and a half, several simultaneous battles had ended in one battle A prisoner is injured by a homemade punchAn official said He was seriously injured while trying to stop the assault During the confrontation, the inmate leaves Attacking officials with broken glass from a window.

Prison violence is out of control

Aside from the various violent incidents that occurred in Ledonners, the situation is very similar in the rest of Catalonia’s prisons. Without going any further, in the same week, in Quatre Cummins PrisonA Moroccan prisoner convicted of murder goes Attempt to stab an official in the head After they refused to make a call outside the permitted hours. Fortunately, the worker was wearing his helmet at the time and this did not happen No one is hurtAlthough when they tried to reduce it, officials were kicked, punched, spat on, and verbally threatened with death.

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