The weekend Città della Scienza dedicated to the event hall in Naples

The weekend Città della Scienza dedicated to the event hall in Naples

“Space for Science”: Saturday 7 and Sunday 8 May On the occasion of the “World Astronomy Day” in the interactive museum, many activities will be devoted to the world of space.

We will talk about the materials from which spaceships are built, we will make a narrated journey between the towers and search for the “space” treasure using a smartphone. Great expectations for an engaging “live” show at the Planetarium on the nature of the relationship between man and the universe.
Once again, with the “Borbone Kids Lab”, it will be possible to turn coffee filters into adorable flowers for Mother’s Day.
Finally, a lot of useful information was provided during the meeting by the Italian Federation of Pediatricians – FIMP to review “Museum Pediatrician” entitled “Child Friendly Home” to learn how to avoid, and possibly intervene, in most cases common poisoning and poisoning of young children.
As usual, it will be possible to make guided visits to the Interactive Museum of the Human Body, the Insects & Co Gallery, and many other new exhibition tracks, and to attend the exceptional displays of the Planetarium.

For all information:

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