Between Science and New Skills: Concluded Course for Postgraduate Students at Neuromed

Between Science and New Skills: Concluded Course for Postgraduate Students at Neuromed

The course was attended by young doctors and researchers from Sapienza University in Rome and Federico II of Naples

Boselli. Cadavera Lab: Approaches to the Skull Base is finished today. Prof. Vincenzo Esposito conducted hands-on training on human anatomical preparations for the training of neurosurgeons for two days and was organized by physicians Paolo Di Rosso, Nicola Giorgioglione and Michelangelo de Angelis working in the Neurosurgery Unit II.

Yesterday the routes to the anterior part of the skull base were explored, while today attention has been focused on the routes to the posterior cranial fossa.

Objective: To learn the main curriculum in Neurosurgery, with special attention to anatomical landmarks through theoretical lessons and step-by-step practical anatomy sessions.

In this way, the participants had the opportunity to track all the steps necessary to obtain the appropriate achievement of a pre-determined surgical goal: an essential course to increase patient safety and the skill of the surgeon in the operating room as much as possible.

The course saw the attendance of young graduate students from Sapienza University of Rome and Federico II of Naples. Training that combines theoretical lessons and practical activities for neurosurgeons from both Neuromed and other prestigious Italian neurosurgery centers such as the Careggi Hospital in Florence or the Maggiore Charitable Hospital in Novara.

After the classroom lectures, watch the anatomical laboratory trainees work on the anatomical preparations themselves, in order to fully absorb the established procedures and recommendations. Concrete practical action is an essential and irreplaceable step in the training of professional neurosurgeons, whose unique precision and efficiency must flow into their hands when they find themselves in front of the patient on the operating table.

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“Training in anatomical preparations is fundamental, and until recently it was very difficult to promote in Italy. – Says Professor Vincenzo Esposito, Head of the Department of Neurosurgery II at IRCCS Neuromed – this is possible today thanks to specific legislation, and Neuromed has participated in a tender to create 11 centers in Italy for cadaver training A great opportunity for our youth and for anatomical training This laboratory – continues the neurosurgeon – is available to young trainees not only in our branch, which is neurosurgery, but also for other surgical activities Success related above all to the work of three young people of the group, Doctors Paolo Di Rosso, Nicola Giorgoloni and Michelangelo de Angelis, who organized a course like this, designed by young people for young people.Moreover, a free course for postgraduate students in Neurosurgery.Doing this in Italy is a huge step forward and a marked improvement in training.We thank Neuromed for the support he has given us so that we can continue with this project that follows the path that Professor Giancarlo Cantor has followed for many years.”

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