The United States, ninety million foreign tourists in 2027

The United States, ninety million foreign tourists in 2027
The United States, ninety million foreign tourists in 2027

June 08


by Redazione
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ambitious goals United State On the tourism front. The US government has set out a strategy to revive the sector and aims to welcome 90 million international passengers by 2027.

“The floor five years The Commerce Department said it expects revenue of $279 billion annually from visiting tourists. The goal is to access and go beyond pre-pandemic data, which saw nearly 80 million foreign visitors arrive in 2019. To be exact 79.4 million international visitors, a number that collapsed to 19.2 million in 2020 and then back to 22.1 million in 2021. Spending on international tourism was $239.4 billion in 2019 but fell to $81 billion during the pandemic.

Minister of Commerce Jenna Raymond He calls for “a travel and tourism industry that is more inclusive, equitable, sustainable and resilient than ever before.”

All this in daysIPW 2022 In Orlando, where he was CEO of Brand USA Chris Thompson Minister of Commerce for Industry and Analysis Grant Harris They explained the four pillars of the strategy, and new partnerships with businesses to revive tourism.

As Harris explained, I four points The highlights are: «Promotion of the United States as a travel destination; facilitating travel to and within the United States; ensuring diverse, inclusive and accessible travel experiences; Promoting resilient and sustainable tourism.” This includes promoting diverse tourism experiences outside coastal nations, minimizing tourism’s contributions to climate change, and building an industry resilient to natural disasters and public health threats.

The government agency is also trying to simplify Entry Procedure for international visitors and reduce restrictions related to Covid.

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COVID test node. Among the nodes to be repaired are Covid tests for entry into the United States. guide for vaccination And show the negative result of Tinge Made before flight. But Secretary Raimondo in conversation with President Joe Biden and his administration, reiterated that testing protocols shape today roadblock To the complete recovery of the travel industry. With her also sides American Travel Associationwho applauds the new strategy but stresses that much of the work that needs to be done also includes eliminating pre-departure testing requirements.

“We applaud the ambitious goal of attracting 90 million visitors annually by 2027, with a strategy that outlines specific actions by which the government can rebuild our travel economy and make the sector more competitive than it was before,” he said. Present dawPresident and CEO of the American Travel Association — but there is a lot of work to be done and we need to immediately rescind the requirement for pre-departure testing for all vaccinated international travelers and take steps to significantly reduce visa wait times.”

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