Ukraine: Kyiv, there is no grain agreement between Kyiv and Moscow; Shells on a hospital in Severodonetsk, on the roof a red cross is drawn – Europe

Ukraine: Kyiv, there is no grain agreement between Kyiv and Moscow;  Shells on a hospital in Severodonetsk, on the roof a red cross is drawn – Europe

The Russian advance continues in eastern Ukraine, meanwhile on the diplomatic front is getting hotter and hotter The question of wheat. Russia will not attack if Ukraine begins demining activities in its ports to allow ships carrying grain to pass. This was confirmed by the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov During a joint press conference in Ankara with his Turkish counterpart Mouloud Cavusoglu. About a possible meeting between the Russian President Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian Volodymyr ZelenskyLavrov told Cavusoglu that the negotiating team should resume the process of talks, the ball is in Kyiv’s court.

copy how
No concrete agreement was reached at the Ankara meeting between the representatives of Russia and Turkey: Ukraine is now waiting for contacts between the Ukrainian and Turkish sides. This came in a press statement given by the Ambassador of Ukraine to Turkey Vasyl Bodnar, as reported by Ukranska Pravda. “We are now looking forward to communication between the Ukrainian and Turkish sides to find common ground,” Bodnar said, stressing that it is important for Ukraine that Turkey continues to act as a mediator and negotiate with both Ukraine and Russia. The release is in the interest of both Ukraine and Turkey. Instead, the ambassador believes, Russia has opposing interests: not to free Ukrainian grain from the ports, but to sell “more of its own grain and steal what we have in the occupied territories.” According to Bodnar, the Russians must first withdraw and close these ports, and then “it will be possible to talk about removing mines, leaving the ports and safely exporting grain.”

Resumption of negotiations
There is a possibility to resume negotiations between Russia and Ukraine to reach a cease-fire. This was announced by Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu, as reported by Anatolia, during a joint press conference in Ankara with his Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov.

The situation in the field
A school and an administrative building were hit by Russian air strikes in Bakhmut, Donetsk state, this morning. “The school was completely destroyed,” Ukraine’s Interior Ministry said, adding that according to the first information from the rescuers at the site, there were casualties. Russian bombing destroyed two hospitals in Severodonetsk and Rubezny, as evidenced by new satellite images taken by Maxar Technologies and published by CNN. A large painting was painted on the roof of the hospital in Severodonetsk Red Cross. In the south of Robijn, in addition to the hospital, a pharmaceutical company and the surrounding buildings were destroyed.

Severodonetsk, a hospital with a red cross on its roof was destroyed

Kyiv says progress in the region has been stymied. In his morning report on the operations, he said: “In the direction of Severodonetsk, the Kyiv army stops the offensive of Russian forces, and the fighting continues. The attempt to take control of the neighboring cities of Toshkivka and Ustinivka was also rejected.” Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, reported by UNIAN. No one will give up in Severodonetsk. The Russians want to capture the city by June 10. fierce battles“Our defenders are fighting for every inch of the city,” the Guardian quoted the commander of the Lugansk Regional Army, Sergei Gaidai, as saying. “The Russians do not control the Lyschansk-Bakhmut road, but they are shooting heavily. We do not use this road, it is very dangerous. The Russian forces are again planning to cross the Seversky Donets River to build a bridge for the offensive,” he added.

Russian army losses
“More than 31,000 Russian soldiers have already died in Ukraine. Since February 24, Russia has been pushing nearly 300 of its soldiers dead every day for a completely meaningless war against Ukraine. And in any case the day will come when the number of casualties will come,” even he said. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Telegram that Russia will exceed the permissible limit.

Zelensky: We will not sell gas and coal abroad

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hard winter
President Volodymyr Zelensky announced that Ukraine will suspend all gas and coal exports, in light of what he believes will be “the most difficult winter ever because of the war.” “We will not sell gas and coal abroad. All production will focus on meeting domestic demand,” he said in his last video message. For his part, Ukrainian Prime Minister Denis Shmygal said that coal production in the state’s mines had fallen by a third since the end of February and recommended “preparing for the most difficult heating season ever in Ukraine”. The Ukrainian government has instructed the state-owned Naftogaz to stockpile at least 19 billion cubic meters of gas in Ukraine’s underground storage facilities.

Diplomacy and pills
Meanwhile, diplomacy is moving on the issue of wheat. Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu received his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov in Ankara. The Turkish foreign minister said that “technical preparation” to create safe corridors for transporting grain from Ukrainian ports through the Black Sea “will be completed as soon as possible.” Russia’s request to lift sanctions is “Lawful”Turkey says. We spoke with the Turkish minister about “the problems of transporting Ukrainian wheat that our Western colleagues are trying to present as a disaster: in fact only less than 1% of world production of wheat and other grains has been prevented. This is the case. It has nothing to do with the food crisis,” Lavrov said. However, Lavrov said he appreciated “the efforts of our Turkish friends to unlock the grain and mining of the Ukrainian ports and to allow entry to the foreign ships that are currently being held hostage.” “The food crisis is not caused by this war. The Russian Federation has not created any obstacles to the crossing,” Lavrov said. The reading of the question differs on the Ukrainian front: “Russia continues its war even beyond the Ukrainian borders. It says it wants to prevent a world famine but it steals grain reserves. We are launching an anti-truth initiative. Russia does not respect any laws or war agreements and we will name those responsible for them.” officials.” This was stated by the head of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Ruslan Stevanchuk, speaking at the plenary session of the European Parliament. He attacked, “Whoever did so much damage must compensate them.”

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Berdyansk port reopened
port of southeast ukraine BerdyanskOccupied by the Russians, reopened after demining, and the first ships carrying grain are expected to set sail later this week, Vladimir Rogov, a board member of the self-proclaimed local administration, told Russia’s TASS news agency: “Everything is ready for the cargo shipment. And the pills will probably leave first. There’s already a lot of pills here, and all the elevators are full.” The head of the Military and Civil Administration, Yevgeny Palitsky, said that the territories occupied by the Russian army in the Zaporozhye region of southeastern Ukraine supply grain to the Middle East. “We send wheat through Russia and the initial contracts have been signed with Turkey – he said – the first trains left Crimea for the Middle East. This is a traditional market for Ukraine.” The president said that the Ukrainian food and grain crisis is the result of “a cold, cruel and calculated blockade by Putin on some of the most vulnerable countries and peoples in the world. Food has become part of the Kremlin’s arsenal of terrorism.” European Union Commission Ursula von der Leyen Speaking at the plenary session of the European Parliament, he emphasized that European sanctions do not target foodstuffs prohibited in Ukraine.

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