The United States and the United Nations have asked for solid evidence on the health of a missing Chinese tennis player

The United States and the United Nations have asked for solid evidence on the health of a missing Chinese tennis player

The United States and the United Nations have asked for solid evidence on the health of a missing Chinese tennis player

The United States and the United Nations do not believe the letter was written to withdraw allegations of sexual exploitation of the former Chinese deputy prime minister and that he was retired.

(Home page news)
Saturday 20 November 2021

The United States and the United Nations have asked for solid evidence on the health of a missing Chinese tennis player


20 November 2021 (Prima Bagina News)

The United States and the United Nations do not believe the letter was written to withdraw allegations of sexual exploitation of the former Chinese deputy prime minister and that he was retired.

The United States and the United Nations yesterday asked for evidence of Peng Shuai’s condition and well-being amid growing concerns about a missing tennis star who was allegedly sexually exploited by China’s former deputy prime minister.

White House spokeswoman Jen Zhaki said President Joe Biden’s administration wanted to provide “independently verifiable evidence” of Peng’s position, and expressed “deep concern” about the former world important twin.

The United Nations has called for a full and transparent inquiry into Peng’s allegations against Communist Party leader Zhang Gouli. Tennis stars, sports organizations, governments and human rights defenders also spoke for the 35-year-old Peng and asked for information.

The president of the Women’s Tennis Association (WTA) said he was ready to sever lucrative trade ties with China if Peng goes missing and his sexual harassment allegations remain unproven.

Novak Djokovic said he supported the WTA threat. “It’s discovered, I hope it’s healthy and everything is fine, at least the worst is yet to be avoided. Slam champion.

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“The entire tennis community needs to support her and her family to make sure she’s safe and healthy. It’s a little different if you play on Chinese soil without resolving this situation, so I understand why the WTA took a stand.

Serena Williams and Naomi Osaka have expressed their concerns about one of the Chinese athletes. “It is important to have evidence of her condition and well-being,” Liz Throssell, a spokeswoman for the United Nations Office for Human Rights, told reporters in Geneva.

“According to reports, Peng, the former world number one athlete, has not been publicly heard since he claimed to have been sexually abused on social media. We call for a full transparency inquiry into his sexual harassment allegations.”

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White House



Peng Shuai


First Page News

To prove



Tennis players

United States

Sexual violence

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