The United States and China, ie: Before looking at other people’s homes, look at your own

The United States and China, ie: Before looking at other people’s homes, look at your own

The United States and China, ie: Before looking at other people’s homes, look at your own

by Mauro Davigne

It is impossible to talk about peace in a society founded on creation the enemy Binary thinking, individualism and unstructured competitiveness as a way of life. If the only thing that matters is winning and success is based on aggressiveness and lack of scruples, then it is clear that for the ego, everyone else is the enemy.

This way of thinking – for many now – adds to a centuries-old conviction superiority From our civilization over all others, and therefore to the legitimacy of exporting our model of life, thought, and economy, from time to time it is necessary to bring, with the charitable work which characterizes us, to the barbarian natives of true religion, the best civilization ever to appear on earth, and democracy.

We can’t do that, he is stronger than us. For us Chinese are all sock-dealers in the market and Africans bead-sellers on the beach: the idea they stand for Millennium Civilizations Of the highest value and dignity at least equal to ours does not even touch us.

We think we’re improving on this sad fact (which we are racistscocky , violent and imperialists, both inside and outside our society) with the rhetoric of political correctness, the hypocrisy—order made—to defend the foundational values—and has been systematically ignored—of democracy, good deeds One Direction for a Disney-like continuous narrative.

The confrontation between civilizations is summed up softly in this clash of civilizations Joe Biden And Xi Jinping About the war in Ukraine, conducted via video call on March 17, 2022, as described in major newspaper reports.

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Xi Jinping: “We must lead the development of relations China and the USA is on the right track, but we must also fulfill our due international responsibilities to undertake efforts for peace and tranquility in the world.”

Joe Biden: “Make Moscow end this terrible war. China chooses the right side of history, otherwise there will be traces and consequences“.

Xi Jinping: “It is up to whoever tied the rattle around the tiger’s neck to take it off.”

With the microphones off and after a fairly long staff meeting, they would explain to the old cowboy who the tiger was and who put the rattle around his neck. What could these Americans know and understand about such a man? Hui HongSong Dynasty poet who ruled China from 960 to 1279? Redskins, yes, those will understand immediately! But they didn’t know Binary thinking, sitting on their heels, lit the shell and slowly took turns arguing in proverbs, the understanding of which requires attentive listening and a minimum of reasoning. One of these advocated caution in judgments: Before judging someone, walk three moons in moccasins.

We do not. We only think in binary terms: yes/no, right/wrong, good/bad, right/wrong. Because it’s easier more immediate And it is easier to recognize the enemy, to understand which side to take, without “conditions” and “reservations”, and make very clear ban lists.

Therefore, when we enter into any negotiations, we want to be at the head of the table. We give orders And let’s bully, because, as the cowboy supreme says, the right side of the story, inevitably, is our side.

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As blunt as we are, we don’t even realize how much – in terms of population, youth, resources, and therefore economy and future – the world hasn’t voted against. Russia None of the UN resolutions. If we unleash a new bipolar disorder on the world, this time, the losers—no if, or otherwise—will be us.

If someone finds my analysis too unbalanced and critical of the West, know that He is right. Know, however, that anti-or pro-something has nothing to do with it. Simply put, as Italians, Europeans, and Westerners, we apply a good teaching from those Amerindian elders of ours: Before looking into someone else’s house, Look at your house.

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