The “Science of Air” campaign continues in Lombardy

The “Science of Air” campaign continues in Lombardy


The “Science of the Air” campaign continues in Lombardy: Dyson backpacks will track the exposure of children to air pollution in Milanese institutes on the way home to school for two weeks


  • 9 out of 10 people globally breathe air that exceeds pollution limits set by the World Health OrganizationDyson responds with: educational project Based on an engineering and scientific approach that will include the academic year 2022-2023 More than 350 categories With activities outside and inside the school
  • Nine students will wear them for two weeks Dyson backpack with battery, GPS and sensors capable of detecting pollutants and monitoring their exposure to pollution on the way to and from school
  • Activities will also take place within the school, whether during school hours or on the occasion of two extra coefficient It is scheduled for April 19 and 20 which will involve Dyson children and engineers at two institutes in Milan: Luigi Cadorna Primary School and Ilaria Alpi High School – Headquarters in San Colombano
  • Air science project The green community of the school renovation plan promoted by the Ministry of Education To promote and implement the best educational projects intended for schools

Stimulating children’s scientific curiosity, raising community awareness and informing government policies to address air pollution levels in the city of Milan: these are the main objectives of the educational campaign”air scienceIt is an educational project designed and promoted by me dyson Supported by James Dyson Foundation Which includes, for SY 2022-2023, 350 classes From primary and secondary schools throughout Lombardy, for a total 8500 Male and female students between the ages of 9 and 14.

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The second phase of the campaign is taking place which includes, in addition to workshops and educational activities that will be carried out inside the classroom, in addition to one Pioneering study Which measures the exposure of 9 children from the Milanese Institutes to air pollution during their trips to and from school Thanks to the Dyson Air Quality Monitor Backpack.

Reworking existing technology used in Dyson air purifiers, the Dyson Air Quality Backpack is a portable air sensor that collects air pollution data in real time and on the go: With built-in sensors, battery and GPS, the Backpack is capable It intercepts PM2.5 and PM10, volatile organic compounds (VOC), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and carbon dioxide (CO2).

Students will wear the Dyson backpack to collect air quality data while they travel for two weeks, and thereafter The data collected will be analyzed at Dyson Research and Development laboratories in the UK. The aim is to empower children and make them true air quality scientists, raise community awareness and collect valuable data to help tackle air pollution within the city.

If it becomes increasingly clear that theAir pollution education It is today a strategic goal for the present and future of our country dyson Awareness can only start from schools and students, especially younger ones, who are called “eco-citizens”: a generation that already finds respect for the environment in which they live as a natural perspective in their daily behaviour.

With this educational campaign, the Global Research and Technology Company Her knowledge of the field, which stems from thirty years of experience in the study of air flow, filtration, engines and from research on indoor and outdoor air quality, provides a concrete answer to the problem by providing the opportunity for students not only to learn in depth about their exposure to pollutants but also to put themselves to the test through Designing and building straightforward practical solutions that are useful to deal with, favoring an engineering and scientific approach.

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We were very impressed with the enthusiasm with which the students welcomed the activities,” comment Sarah Rescazzischool teacher San Colombano from IC Ilaria Alpi.The material we received as part of the project is based on hands-on learning and experimentation, in line with Montessori education and pedagogy, helping classes to relate theory learned in class to problems and solutions in the real world, beyond the school walls. Thanks to educational cooperation with this kind of planning and connection with the reality that surrounds us, it is possible to educate and educate the citizens of the future in the future.

“With this project proposed by Dyson, students not only participate as heroes in the air quality survey, but they also touch on the problem and the need to find a solution to one of the most important global emergencies of recent times: air pollution,” He claims Anna Chiara Bibitoneteacher of the Dolci Dell complexLuigi Cadorna Comprehensive Institute From Milan. Students thus have the opportunity to work by developing entrepreneurial skills and stimulating critical thinking and a spirit of collaboration, both of which are fundamental principles for planning any initiative that has social and cultural value to society. Only from the synergy of the different roles can real solutions arise and what better place than school, to begin to inform, educate and inspire our children about environmental protection technologies and future generations? “.

The “Air Science” project officially enters into The green community of the school renovation plan promoted by the Ministry of Education To promote and implement the best educational projects dedicated to schools, in line with the goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.


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