The return of “La Grande Storia” – RAI Press مكتب

The return of “La Grande Storia” – RAI Press مكتب

The story of the great events, heroes, and social phenomena that have marked our collective history, from the twentieth century to today. “La Grande Storia” will return to air from Thursday 11 August at 21.20 on Rai3. For five episodes, Paolo Meli will discover the events that marked world history.
In the first appointment, he deepened the final year of the Third Reich: the last eleven months of decisive, endless fighting, which would remain necessary after the landing in Normandy for the allies to defeat Hitler and win World War II in Europe.
In June 1944, Anglo-American troops landed in the “Fortress of Europe” and in a short time liberated Paris, while the Red Army advanced in a crushing manner along two thousand four hundred kilometers from the Eastern Front.
Nazi Germany is in the grip of war, many believe the war will be over by December. Instead, Hitler orders, from his fortified bunker, to resist at all costs, to the last man. Therefore, long months of terrible battles, heinous war crimes, fears and hopes were needed, until the decisive conquest of Berlin in May 1945.

“La Grande Storia” is a program of the Directorate of Rai Culture and Education.

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