The Research and Universities Department of…

The Research and Universities Department of…
MOBINT-MIF grants{“name”: “2024/03/22/13/28/c825d406-6294-4272-b3a1-27674c908a61.jpg”, “author”: “DREU”, “type”: “0”, “location”: ” 0,”Weight”:2429648}

The Department of Research and Universities has allocated €2,712,000 million to the MOBINT-MIF Invitation (2023-2024) for the international mobility of 2,558 students from Catalan universities. The aim of the grants is to contribute to financing the expenses of conducting studies in other countries, in the amount of €200 per month for a maximum of six months. This call, which was recently disbanded, is part of policies promoted by the Department of Research and Universities to promote equity and internationalization.

These grants have three methods according to the mobility programme:

  1. Mode A: Students participating in the Erasmus+ program in the following associated countries: United Kingdom, Switzerland, Faroe Islands, Andorra, Monaco, San Marino and Vatican City. 1,815 grants of this type were provided, with a total value of 1,965,800 euros.
  2. Mode B: Students undertaking international mobility programs in the rest of the world. In this way, €615,800 was invested in 610 grants.
  3. Mode C: Students who participate in international mobility programs and study the Early Childhood Education Certificate or the Primary Education Certificate, in the different offers offered within the framework of the Improvement and Innovation in Teacher Training programme. 133 grants worth €130,400 were awarded.

65.38% of the scholarships awarded (1,687) were awarded to women and 34.62% (871) to men.

The next edition of MOBINT-MIF, corresponding to the 2024-2025 academic year, is scheduled to open in June.

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