The parties conclude the campaign with messages to try to attract the votes of the undecided

Campaigning for Sunday’s election ends, and Friday saw the busiest events of the last few days. All parties resorted to hesitant and disaffected members of other formations, in an attempt to collect the last votes.

While the electoral system is being finalized on Sunday, the parties used the last day of the campaign to deliver their messages. It’s about trying Zero media until the last moment.

The election campaign is drawing to a close with a shadow of political deadlock, without a clear majority in Parliament. In this context, the key may be in the hands of the undecided, as opinion polls indicate that 40% of voters have not yet decided on their votes.

the sun, Pedro Sanchez He starred at the closing ceremony in Val d’Hebron, Barcelona, ​​where he appeared alongside the nominee Salvador Ella. The Socialists insist that it is necessary to focus the vote on the PSC in order to win and, above all, in order to be able to govern Catalonia. This was the fifth day Sanchez has campaigned for Ella. The leader of the peaceful council called for moving beyond the pro-independence stages and asked for everyone’s vote, including those who never voted for him.

Cries of “President, President” in Serrallo, in Tarragona, at the closing ceremony of the campaignRepublican left. candidate, Peter Aragones, appealed to people who are still in doubt about voting for Esquerra, Junts or PSC. Esquerra says he aspires to focus left-wing voices to further promote social and national rights, and is continuing the work that has been accomplished so far. Aragones says that with the Socialists, La Moncloa will be ruled and King Felipe VI will return to general jurisdiction under Salvador Illa. He said that with Juntz, what will come back are cuts.

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together The campaign concluded in Elna with a more well-attended meeting than has been held in northern Catalonia these days.
Carles Puigdemont He has demonstrated his conviction of victory in 12 months if independence is mobilized as it did on October 1. Puigdemont says that the PSC is obedient to Madrid and asked to put a fist on the table and say enough about the violations that the Catalans receive. The candidate also focused on Europe, where, according to him, what is happening in Catalonia is being closely followed.

Fox The election campaign concluded in Barcelona’s Plaça Artós, a far-right stronghold in Barcelona. The party aspires to consolidate the results of 2021, when it entered Parliament with 11 deputies, and to achieve this, it focused its speech on criminalizing immigration. Santiago Abascal appealed to abstainers and undecideds to vote, while Ignacio Garriga criticized that the PP, in his opinion, is changing its mind on immigration depending on opinion polls.

the cup It chose the Paseo del Born de Barcelona, ​​next to the Moreres Moat, to hold the busiest event of the campaign. The anti-capitalists invited to the event relevant figures who played an important role in the key moments of the process David Fernandez I Anna Gabrielle. The CUP defends itself as the party that in the past decade has pushed other pro-independence formations to the left, and they claim they are a necessary option to confront the far right and defend public services.

the common They ended the campaign at Cornella, on Baix Llobregat, with the greater plain in formation and Soumar in readiness. Jessica Albayach. Yolanda Diaz, Ernest Urtasun I There is a cola They asked to vote for her. Alpiac has called for a centralized vote in the House of Commons in order to shift the Political and Social Council to the left, which they see as increasingly close to Gantz.

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Citizens The campaign was finalized with a party held at the Ciutat de Barcelona Hotel. candidate, Carlos CarrizosaHe appealed to the million voters who helped them win the 2017 elections to support them again, as the process, he said, was not dead. He is also convinced that they will succeed in winning the ballot boxes on Sunday.

The word “change” was one of the most repeated words on Friday at the campaign’s closing meeting sIn Bellvitge. Alberto Nunez ViejoThe PP, which actively participated in the campaign, once again called for the unification of votes in the PP to leave Catalonia in the process. Popular candidate Alejandro Fernandez said he would leave his skin behind so Catalonia can once again be an exciting place to live.

Nearly 100,000 voters voted by mail

Curios has confessed 97,452 postal votes for the elections, which is 63.8% lower than in the previous elections It was held during the pandemic, in February 2021, i.e 36.6% more than in the December 2017 elections.

91.1% of people who requested this voting system ended up using it, a figure similar to what was recorded in previous electoral processes. By demarcation, 72,274 mail-in votes were recorded in D Barcelona8,901 to that Girona8.572 etc Tarragona And 7,705 at that Lida.

This Sunday, Election Day, Correus will deliver the votes to the corresponding polling stations, for which it has organized a special machine with More than 2,800 professionals. When schools close, postal votes will be added to the ballot boxes so the counting process can begin.

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