The number of value-added tax, incentives and non-reimbursable contributions for those who decide to set up their own business: the guide

The number of value-added tax, incentives and non-reimbursable contributions for those who decide to set up their own business: the guide

No more exhausting search for an employment contract, no more humiliation of “doors in the face” being received, enough with very short-term and underpaid contracts. How many times did it come to your mind: “That’s enough, I will open the VAT number and start my own business”? If so, read this article carefully. Because we will explain what the initial steps and related costs are to open one purchase price (necessary to work on your own in a methodical way rather than “casual work”), but also what opportunities and facilities can be used. From financing the “Remain in the South” project to interest-free loans to actual loans Non-repayable contributions.

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How to open a VAT number

The process is very simple, and practically no cost if you do it online or directly in an officerevenue agency. On the other hand, there is a cost if you call an accountant or a coffee shop. If you choose “do it yourself” the first thing you need to select the tax profile and the Ateco code. Atecum is an alphanumeric code used to classify economic activities. The full list of Ateco codes can be found on the Istat website.

Once you have selected the appropriate code for the activity you want to do, you must fill out the form for opening a VAT number (which can be downloaded free of charge from the Revenue Agency website) by choosing from: Form AA9/12 for natural persons. Form AA7/10 for subjects other than natural persons; ANR/3 form for subjects not residing in Italy. The completed form can be delivered by hand, through the website, or by registered mail.

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If the activity falls within the field of handicrafts (carpenter, blacksmith, tattoo artist, etc.) or commerce (shop, business intermediaries), you must submit an “individual contact”, a document that allows you to apply for a VAT number or tax code, But also to fulfill obligations to Inps and Inail, and to register in the Commercial Registry. This procedure can also be performed electronically.

Choose a tax system

An accounting system is a set of rules and obligations that holders of a VAT number must comply with in order to comply with the tax authorities and the law. To date, there are three accounting systems: ordinary, simplified, flat rate.

the system Rate Generally it is most favorable for new business, in the first 5 years the tax on the taxable amount is only 5% and after that the rate remains very favorable at 15%. A series of accounting and tax simplifications are also envisioned.

The flat rate system is not feasible for everyone: it is feasible through VAT numbers for self-employment and by individual companies, and it is not feasible for companies and professional associations. Fees and revenue must not exceed 65,000 euros per year and personnel or overtime expenses cannot exceed the 20,000 euros limit.

Social Security Contributions

In addition to taxes, those with a VAT number are required to pay contributions for retirement purposes. Therefore, at the stage of opening a VAT number, it is also necessary to complete the registration in the individual’s pension fund (for certain professions of the ordinary type) or in a separate Inps administration. For craftsmen and traders there is INPS Artisans and Traders Management.

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on the project

Micro and small businesses made up of at least 51% of young people between the ages of 18 and 35 or women of any age, who want to start a new business or who want to expand, can benefit from – between interest-free financing and loss of contribution Financial – covering 90% of total expenses, with a maximum of 3 million euros to be repaid in 10 years. No collateral is required in the case of loans of less than 250 thousand euros.

If the project involves the purchase of real estate, a mortgage must be provided. The application is submitted electronically through the Invitalia website. The concession is valid for activities related to the sectors of manufacturing, services, trade and tourism throughout the national territory. Sole proprietorships, simple partnerships and de facto corporations are excluded.

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I’m staying in the south

The rest in the south is the catalyst that supports the birth and development of new entrepreneurial and independent activities in Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise, Puglia, Sardinia and Sicily, in the seismic crater regions of central Italy (Lazio, Marche Umbria) and on offshore islands, lagoons and lakes The smallest is in the northern centre. It targets those between the ages of 18 and 55. Expenses for purchase of plant, plant and equipment, building renovations, and new computer software are eligible. An additional management contribution is envisaged in the start-up phase. The application is submitted electronically through the Invitalia website.

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New Self Employment

The new SELFIE function came into effect on February 22, 2021, and finances start-ups of small businesses with interest-free loans of up to 50,000 euros, promoted by NEETs (less than 30 who are neither studying nor working), inactive and working women. A prolonged idle period, throughout the national territory. The application can be submitted by individual companies; partnership Cooperative societies/social and professional cooperatives. The incentive is managed by Invitalia as part of Youth Assurance ProgramUnder the supervision of the National Agency for Active Labor Policies (ANPAL).

Under 35 years old

There are a number of opportunities for young people under the age of 35. among these ‘New unprofitable business’ by Invitalia. The program covers up to 75% of the budget for starting a small and micro business run by young Italians with an interest-free loan (maximum 1.5 million euros). New entrepreneurs from the following sectors can access: industry and crafts, services to individuals and businesses, commerce and tourism.

People under the age of 35 often receive additional funding for vocational training (eg language and/or IT courses), for the purchase of capital goods, etc. Regional calls.

NASPI Beneficiaries

NASPI Beneficiaries An unemployed person who is eligible for support and wants to start a new business can ask INPS for the down payment in one solution for the total amount of treatment owed but not yet paid.

Non-repayable contributions

To offset the damage caused by the restrictions to stem the Covid pandemic, the government has launched access to non-reimbursable contributions to already running VAT numbers that have recorded sales losses of at least 30%.

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