The noodles are pulled from the shelves for the presence of mustard: here’s the brand and more

The noodles are pulled from the shelves for the presence of mustard: here’s the brand and more

Attention! Some batches of pasta have recently been withdrawn for the risk of allergies. That’s what it is.

mustard paste
Photo © AdobeStock

Italian cuisine is known and loved all over the world. There are many dishes Our country’s model is also exported abroad, with each region featuring typical local dishes. From pizza to macaroniOn the other hand, there are many delicacies that are able to please both adults and children.

It looks identical, on the shelves of supermarkets we find many products thanks to which we can arrange our tables. In this regard, it is good to know that they were recently I summoned some batches of pasta at risk of allergy. But what is this? Let’s get into the details and find out together.

The noodles are pulled from the shelves for the presence of mustard: here’s the brand and more

When we buy food products, it is good to pay attention to their properties, in order to avoid having to deal with unpleasant inconveniences. It is precisely in this area that various competent authorities come to our aid and immediately inform, for example, of a possible presence allergens.

In this regard, the She mentioned the Famila and A&O chains Some organic whole pastas with the Natura Chiama Selex brand and Gragnano Igp pasta with the Saper di Sapori Selex brand have recently been recalled due to Presence of allergens from mustardAll these products are sold in packages of 500 grams.

Going into details, branded whole grain pasta Nature’s Call Made by Newlat Food Spa at F. De Cecco Route 33, in Vara San Martino, in the province of Chieti. While that Gragnano Igp Sapor by Saperi, from Premiato Pastificio Afeltra Srl, via Roma 20, in Gragnano. The types of pasta covered by the recall are as follows:

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As stated in the same summons notice:Customers are notified that they have purchased the product and that they have done so Allergy to mustard Return it to the point of sale for payment“. However, there are no problems for people who are not allergic to mustard, who can safely consume the products in question. At the same time, it should be noted that similar products of different batches are not subject to recall e It can be used safely.

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