The Japanese-American Entente, Reorganization of American Forces in Japan

The Japanese-American Entente, Reorganization of American Forces in Japan

Agreement for closer defense cooperation between the United States and Japan. and the green light for a more effective deployment of US military forces on the territory of the Asian ally. All in an anti-Chinese function, to contain the Beijing-Moscow axis and launch new safety “nets” in the Pacific.

The bilateral agreement came at the conclusion of new negotiations on security issues in Washington between the delegations of the two countries and related to all possible theaters of confrontation from sea to land and space. Among the major changes is the reorganization of the 12th US Marine Battalion stationed in Japan which, as Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said, will become “more lethal, agile and equipped with greater capabilities”. The unit will be stationed in Okinawa and will be equipped with rapid response arsenals. In particular, it will include anti-ship missile batteries and other advanced systems.

An intensification of joint training activities and what is commonly defined as a “reorganization” of US forces in the region is expected to improve response to any Chinese threats. In space, the agreements discussed include the Pentagon’s ability to protect Japanese assets from attack.

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In the background are the fears generated by the aggressive maneuvers carried out by the Xi Jinping government towards Taiwan, even if US military leaders do not consider imminent aggressions or invasions. And raised the specter of new conflicts closer Russian-Chinese military relations.

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The agreement was formed during meetings of the US-Japan Security Advisory Committee at the State Department. A forum in preparation for Prime Minister Fumio Kishida’s visit to the White House this week. Tokyo denounced the challenge posed by China, describing it as an “unprecedented strategic challenge.” And the US security doctrine just updated by Joe Biden points to Beijing as a major long-term strategic adversary. Austin, along with Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and his Japanese counterparts starting with Secretary of State Yoshimasa Hayashi, said at the end of recent meetings that Chinese forces are responsible for “recent extremely provocative behavior” and attempts to “establish a new normal.”

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