The insecurity of “not knowing when your period will come”

The insecurity of “not knowing when your period will come”

“He came to me ruler For the first time, very late, when I was between 14 and 15 years old. Indeed from the beginning it was Very irregular On top of that, he started dating me Acne and hair in unusual places; “I was prescribed birth control pills that I had been taking for several years, but as soon as I stopped taking them I went back to the situation I was before.” Inua Kuraswho is now 22 years old.

“The disease came to me when I was 12 years old, and I suffered from it very irregularly. Six months could pass without him giving any sign Until I had it a few times a month, I never knew when I would come and this made me feel insecure, I was advised the pill but I was too young and didn't take it…so I was without treatment for many. Years”. Calls from his side Avril Bellawho is now 18 years old.

Coras and Bella have something in common: Suffer from polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

In fact, although it is a little-known syndrome, they are by no means the only girls who suffer from it, asGlobal Health Organization It is reported that it affects between 5 and 10% of women between the ages of 15 and 44 years, that is, in reproductive age.

There are currently 21 girls from Girona participating who are aged between 12 and 23 years and have been diagnosed, registrations are still open

Polycystic ovary syndrome is one Ovarian dysfunction can cause changes at the hormonal level and metabolismAs well as irregularities in the menstrual cycle. The ovary produces more male hormones than usual. In addition, the disease can manifest itself in many different ways: acne, high body mass index (BMI), tendency to obesity, anovulation, excess body hair, etc. It can also facilitate the development of other diseases such as type 2 diabetes, premenopausal cancer, anxiety or depression, affecting the quality of life of these people. Although its exact cause is unknown, it is believed that there is a genetic predisposition and there are several factors that can aggravate it, such as a sedentary lifestyle or an inappropriate diet.

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Trial participants, Avril Bella and Ainoa Kuras, in Girona.

Ainoa Currás and Avril Bella will be there as well It is diagnosed through vaginal ultrasound. Since there is currently no specific treatment to treat this disorder, the most common method is to prescribe birth control pills. He explains: “It is clear that it is not the solution, because it is a chronic treatment, but it does not treat the syndrome. When you stop taking it, the same symptoms return.” Anna Maria Albertbiologist and coordinator of the Spiomet4health trial at the Girona Biomedical Research Institute (Idibgi).

This international article evaluates A Pioneering the specific treatment of this disease. “The clinical trial aims for the first time to treat the cause that leads to this disorder, rather than just alleviating the symptoms, as is currently the case,” explains Albert. In fact, 98% of women with this disorder are treated with oral contraceptives to control some symptoms.

Albert adds that Girona and Barcelona are the only Spanish research areas participating.

“We have noticed a lot of improvement.”

When they had the opportunity to participate in the experiment, the two young women did not think twice. “It was suggested to me by my GP and the truth is that Since I started treatment I have noticed a lot of improvement“Because the menstrual cycle comes regularly and helps reduce acne,” Kuras explains.

In Bella's case, she found out about it through her cousin, who also has the syndrome. The young woman has no acne or hair symptoms, but her menstrual cycle is very irregular. “Thanks to treatment, I am getting better and better when the time comes.”

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Treatment consists of: Take medications that are already on the market but have not been tested against this specific disease. The trial coordinator explains that she is monitoring 21 patients in Girona, but she is one Double-blind trial. This means that neither the specialists nor the volunteers know the specific drug treatment they are following. “There are four options, all of them equally safe, as we are talking about the second phase and they have already been investigated, but at the end of the trial – which lasts for a year and a half – we will evaluate the results to see which one is the best.” Better,” notes the coordinator.

This disease affects between 5 and 10% of women between the ages of 15 and 44, that is, in reproductive age.

Study participants are visited every three months with the coordinator to monitor the treatment, and in parallel, they receive some kind of A diary where they indicate if they have had any negative impact and the exact dates they have had it Menstruation. “Apart from medication, it is very important to live a healthy life and Doing physical activity“They are set reasonable, easy-to-achieve goals that they can fit into their daily lives,” Albert explains.

Registration for the trial is still open, and according to the requirements, volunteers must be between 12 and 23.9 years old, and must have menstruated for at least two years. The results will serve as the basis for phase III clinical trials that will allow this new approach to be exploited across Europe; Subsequent implementation of treatment It will save between 500 and 1,000 million euros annually in the health system.

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