The gigantic Dixie Fire continues its insane racing in California

The gigantic Dixie Fire continues its insane racing in California

Greenville, a small town of about 800 people, has been surrounded by the flames of the Dixie fire that devastated northern California for three weeks, triggered by extreme heat, dangerous drought and persistent winds.

Currently the fire has spread over 110,000 hectares.

We did everything we couldArea firefighter spokeswoman Mitch Madlow told reporters. Sometimes that’s not enough.

Pictures taken by the AFP photographer show the presence of metal lamps and some rare structures that were half-bent by the heat of the fire.

The structure of the burned historic building in Greenville, California.

The fire burned several historic buildings in Greenville.

Photo: AB / Nova Berger

Built during the California Gold Rush in the mid-19th century, the city was devastated by a gas station, hotel and bar with some of the century-old buildings.

The fire reached Greenville around 4pm local time on Wednesday, according to Jack Coagle, division head of the crisis management team.

In a video released Wednesday evening, he said firefighters were being delayed because they did not follow evacuation orders and were forced to sacrifice time and resources for their assistance.

We have firefighters who were shot by people who did not want to leave.

A quote:Jake Goggle, division head of the crisis management team

About 2,000 California residents were called in Wednesday to evacuate Immediately Their home as the flames approach.

Dixie Fire is so big that it has the appearance of its own climate events.

If you stay, leave immediately, immediately!

A quote:Blooms County Sheriff’s Office

This is what the Sheriff’s Office tweeted while addressing residents in the Greenville and Chester communities.

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If you are still in the Greenville area and you are in immediate danger, you should go now!, He added in a second warning message: If you stay, emergency services cannot help you.

By the end of July, the number of acres burned in California had increased by 250% since 2020, which was already the worst fire year in recent state history.

Dixie Fire is painfully reminiscent of Paradise Island 2018, the worst island in California in recent years.

A cloud of smoke hangs over a car on the highway.

A resident evacuates Chester, California as the fire nears.

Photo: AB / Nova Berger

False power lines running through the northern city of Paradise caught fire and killed 86 people.

Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E), California’s largest energy company, has pleaded guilty.

The PG&E tool was caught again in connection with the Dixie fire after a tree fell on the power line on the day the fire started.

At the end of July, the company announced that it would bury 16,000 km of its power cables, with its equipment preventing new catastrophic fires.

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