The “German” Legacy and American Suffering: What Happens to America’s Sick Heart

The “German” Legacy and American Suffering: What Happens to America’s Sick Heart

when we imagine United State Think of a country with a British and Anglo-Saxon backbone. The truth is that we are talking about a deeply German country, both in terms of its race and its way of being in the world. Data from the Statistical Office clearly shows that the German ethnic group is the most numerous, with 8 million immigrants arriving from Europe.

Massive arrivals of Saxons, Rhenish, Bavarians, Westphalians, Brandenburgers, Habsburgs and Volga Germans occurred between 1820 and 1900, even if the first traces of the Teutonic presence could already be found during the 18th century when tens of thousands of people came from the Palatinate. , they found refuge in the United States. More precisely in PennsylvaniaWhich in those years enjoyed a good reputation among immigrants. Entire families and religious orders settled in Central Europe, and over the generations, the culture and language of Pennsylvania was shaped by a Germanic imprint.

Data from the Census Bureau also indicates that nearly 50 million Americans today claim direct German ancestry, and that number rises to 100 million When considering people who have at least one Teutonic ancestor. To give an idea of ​​how widespread the phenomenon is, there are 35 million descendants of Irish, 31 million Mexicans and 26 million English.

The Midwestern economic, social, and political core of the country

Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Wisconsin, Illinois, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska and Kansas are the counties where descendants of the Teutons are: Midwest It was here, with its resources and Germanic approach, that decisive steps were taken in the history of the United States.

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The Civil War and the Decisive Contribution of the Midwest

Already in 1861, when the contradictions between North and South made the Civil War inevitable, the Midwest was decisive in Union victory: first by supplying Northern forces thanks to its vast agricultural surplus, and later becoming the preponderance in sending men to the front.

Suffice it to say that Indiana supplied 57% of its draft-age men, becoming the first state ever to supply soldiers, Illinois in second, Ohio in fourth, Iowa in fifth, Michigan in sixth, and Wisconsin in seventh.

The union was also led by figures who embodied the elite of the Midwest: Abraham LincolnRaised in Indiana and trained in Illinois, two Ohio-born generals, Ulysses S. Grant and William T. Sherman. The success of the North in the Civil War meant not only the downfall of the aristocratic South but the assertion of the inland northern states over the coastal states. In short, the assertion of German cultural ancestry over all others.

The Rust Belt bore the brunt of both world wars on its shoulders

The early 20th century saw the Midwest shed its skin. The agricultural and rural landscape gave way to the development of a powerful and enormous iron and steel industry, thanks to the enormous deposits of coal that extended as far as Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. Chicago, St. Louis, and Toledo became the country’s major rail centers. Population rose to 26 million people living in the Midwest, compared to 21 million in New England and the Mid-Atlantic region combined.

This is how he was born todayrust beltTheodore Roosevelt himself proclaimed the Midwest the “heart of true American feeling” and the “arsenal of democracy”. From 1941, large industries began producing cannons, ammunition, and automobiles. Fast.Detroit made more than 90% of American helmets, and 25% of the vehicles used by the Allies were produced by Midwestern companies.Chrysler Corporation of Michigan made 50% of American tanks.Ford’s plant, also in Michigan, produced one B-bomber 24 every hour.

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Additionally, the heartland of Germany paid the highest blood toll in human life during World War II, specifically: Illinois (18,601), Ohio (16,828), and Michigan (12,885).

The economic and demographic crisis in the Midwest mirrors the crisis of American power

L’Deep America It is ideally identified as a quiet and stable location. It is often dismissed from the media dominance of the coastal part, but instead covers an essential function in building American power. Today the Midwest finds itself at the epicenter of a national crisis, caught in a slow but steady decline.

The states where large factories of heavy industry flourished along with the American dream are now experiencing an economic and demographic crisis: large factories have begun to close since the 1960s. And the consequent shift in production to the countries in which it is located labor cost Less than that led to the impoverishment of cities, a chain reaction that led to continuous demographic impoverishment and economic decline. Rust Belt is now in the grip of a bad mood, deserted and deserted.

“imperial fatigue”

The flight of industries led to a generalized loss of sense of the American enterprise. A “moral” crisis has also been demonstrated by rising rates of suicide and drug use (not least fentanyl). The Teutonic provinces, according to the Census Bureau, are the fastest aging provinces. This also translates to a decrease in the war contribution: the Midwest, which contributed greatly to the wars of the 20th century, now supplies recruits and combatants in decidedly smaller quantities.

What was the beating heart of America was tired and confused. It was Donald Trump who recognized this “imperial fatigue” and accepted his demands. the “Son of Germany(His grandfather was Frederick Trumpf, born in Kalstadt, Germany in 1865, emigrated to America and changed his name to Fred Trump), and won the election by understanding the superior value of Central America. Having intercepted the wrath of the post-industrial Rust Belt, the New York businessman made himself a standard-bearer. White (Germanic) people living in the center of the nation

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Trump won by sweeping Hillary Clinton inside Midwest (Except for Illinois and Minnesota). Across the Atlantic, under an Anglophone patina, a Germanic heartbeat called the chimes of the Midwest.

The nucleus of the United States lives in these provinces, and it remains the nucleus from which American ambition stems throughout the world. No one who wanted to rule on the other side of the ocean could ignore the demands, demands, and moods of the Germanic Midwest. A deep America into which we Europeans will also have to begin to look in order to understand its path.

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