The geological and mining park of the Pyrenees has already been established

The geological and mining park of the Pyrenees has already been established

The geological and mining park in the foothills of the Pyrenho Mountains, which includes up to thirteen municipalities of Solsones, Alt Urgell and La Nogueira, has become a reality since Wednesday 20 December. This project was born three years ago, with the aim of strengthening geology as an identity marker for the area, as well as “disseminating the values ​​of the park area among residents and visitors and diversifying the offer to promote quality and more sustainable tourism”.

Since different agents are involved in the territory to disseminate and protect the geological and mining heritage of the area, geologist Josep Maria Mata Perillo in Manres decided to promote this project. This area is characterized as the point of contact between the inscriptions of the Southern Pyrenees and the so-called Conca dei Libre, a fact that gives it “exceptional interest,” he emphasized. Some of the main exponents of the park are the progressive unconformities of the Bastets-Bossa, St. Llorens de Morones, Jixers and Navis, the Oleana anticline, the Sali de Cambrils Odin, and the bauxite deposits at Peramulla.

From this moment on, as Mata Perillo emphasized, the park's next step will be “to carry out an inventory of the mining-geological heritage, and to carry out more field trips and information actions to make it known and revitalize it”, for example, hosting educational and scientific research activities in the territory. In addition, he stressed that the geopark will contribute to “the correct protection of the natural assets of the territory, will generate a lot of tourism in the three participating provinces and local entities will see a greater influx of visitors interested in science and geology.”

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As the members of the new organization point out, the current geological terrain that the Pyrenees Park will protect is the result of the continuing evolution of the planet and has contributed, to a large extent, to human settlement in the region. Throughout history, they have enabled people to develop to this day, enhancing their balance with the environment.

The Pyrenees Geological and Mining Park includes the municipalities of Udine, La Coma y la Piedra, Guixerz, San Lloren de Morones, Naves, Ladorce, Castellar de la Ribera del Solsones, Vijoles and Alenia, Pasilla, Uliana and Piramulla. From the Alt Urgell region and the cities of Tiurana and Baronia de Rialb de la Noguera.

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