The future that awaits us between science and science fiction

The future that awaits us between science and science fiction

In Padova, June 3-5, the appointment returns with Science.
120 meet-and-greets and many international guests

“With a world changing faster and faster, much of our knowledge may become very outdated very soon, therefore, we ask ourselves How can science With his ability to interpret reality, Help us keep pace with the development of society“.
With these words, Massimo Polidoro, Secretary and Director of Cicap Fest . expects Science Festival who will be held From 3 to 5 June in Padovain the city that hosts the headquarters of the Italian Committee to Monitor Pseudoscience Claims.
After a 2020 fully online event and a ‘hybrid’ version in 2021, Cicap Fest returns to its full expression 120 sessions in three days.
The subject of this fifth edition is – From sci-fi dreams to global challenges: what awaits us tomorrow? Emphasize that scientific innovation, guided by imagination and curiosity, can be a beacon to the future.

Sicap Festival
Massimo Bolidoro, Director of Cicap Fest

Sicap Festival 2022

The extensive program of Cicap Fest 2022 will deal with climate crisissubordinate health from human innovations that awaits us and del food That we will eat tomorrow, but also from Gender issues and how Comedy and magic It can convey certain messages.
Everything will be connected by the common thread that matters Misinformation and misinformationIt is a topic dear to the committee Founded by Piero Angela (Today Honorary Chairman), along with other figures of science and culture, including Umberto Eco, Rita Levi-Montalcini, Silvio Garatini, Carlo Rubbia, Umberto Veronese and Margherita Hack, This year marks the centenary of his birth (June 12).

Let’s start with health

The festival will start and end at‘Aula Magna of Palazzo BoIt is home to Paduan University, which this year celebrates 800 years of history.

Sicap Festival
The Great Hall of Palazzo Bo, in Padua, during Cicap Fest 2021

Opening is scheduled for It’s 17:30 on June 3when Vicente Ferez BencomoThe director of the Cuban team that developed Sopirana will tell us Vaccine made in Cuba: success story with Sergio Della SalaProfessor of Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of Edinburgh.
Instead, the closure will be entrusted to the philosopher of science Telmo BivaniSunday June 5again at 5:30 p.m., with a message of hope for the future thanks to a novel “Random” scientific discoveries in the past.

The environmental tomorrow that lies ahead

The greatest challenge ever faced by man: surviving in the face of climate change. problem environmental crisis It will be approached from different points of view: from food sustainability In the biodiversity lossFrom Bioethics to melegal approach.
They will intervene at this point Luigi Viragoli And the Maria Brica Rasotowho will discuss the possibility of Earth Constitution project..
An investigation will be submitted into what has been called chernobyl italy: accident Sevisu (with Matteo Liuzzi and Nicolo Martin). Instead, Federico Tadía and Elisa in costume will turn their attention to Scientific excellence involved in combating climate change.
Over the past two years, we have had to learn to what extent the environment is intertwined with human health. So we will discuss, among other things, Future prospects for medicine Based on Health Inequality (With Francesco Peroni, President of AIOM and Paolo Venez, Professor of Environmental Epidemiology at Imperial College London.)

Antonella Viola at Cicap Fest 2021

The Food of the Future: Between Sustainability and… Insects

While Cicap Fest will questionfood development and production, as well consumptionwith Elena Doglitti, Fedra Fomagali and Nicoleta Boldrini, on the other side we’ll ask Whether insects can replace protein Thanks to our foodie Enzo Moretto (Director of Esapolis – Museum of Insects of Padua).
It will be the task of Daniele Modesto, CEO of Zero Vertical Farms, to explain Technological contribution of vertical crops.

International Guests

Among the international guests, Sir Michael MarmotDirector of the UCL Institute for Health Equity in London; Michael Manna climatologist and geophysicist, director of the Earth System Science Center at Penn State University, Edith Widderan oceanographer and marine biologist, CEO and Chief Scientist of the Society for Ocean Research and Conservation; Mitchell Valdes Sousadirector of the Institute of Science in Havana, Cuba, Susan Schneidera biological psychologist at the University of the Pacific, California; Peter Godfrey Smith, Philosopher of Science at the University of Sydney; Sheila JasanoffProfessor of Technology Ethics at Harvard Kennedy School; Lee McIntyrea philosopher and researcher at the Center for Philosophy and the History of Science at Boston University, and a lecturer at Harvard University; Julia Galif Founder of the Center for Applied Rationality.

Inside the festival, between fun and magic

A portion of the meetings scheduled in the program will be broadcast, as closings have learned, on Cicap and Cicap Fest social channels.
In addition to meetings, the show In a preview, sponsored by the AIRC Foundation “Ricercaalcubo, -“All the faces of cancer research‘, which traces tangles and intersections Cancer treatment historyand many activities, including laboratories and workshops, Aimed at families and children.

Sicap Festival
There will be entertaining moments, thanks for sharing Famous stand-up comedian (Francesco Di Carlo, Maria de Biasi, Corrado Nozzo, Danielle Fabri, Chiara Galeazzi, Michela Giroud and Saverio Raimondo), Meetings in the squaresAnd the interviews On the wheeled sofas e Offers of deception and magicto show how easily the human brain can be deceived, both in tricks and in misinformation.

A clear and justified scientific belief

Professor Bivani in particular best sums up the goal of Cicap Fest «La Sciences He navigates in uncertainty and often makes unexpected discoveries, but sometimes manages to make reliable and above all predictions. We are warned of the dangers we face“.
After two years of mistrust, as human intelligence seems to have failed to preserve us on planet Earth, we need to A clear and justified ‘scientific belief’which allows us to live with us and with the ecosystem in which we reside, to continue the path of progress.

Damiano Martin

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