The European Chamber summons Reynders to file a case with the Supreme Court against Puigdemont

The European Chamber summons Reynders to file a case with the Supreme Court against Puigdemont

The European Parliament will request that the European Commissioner for Justice, Didier Reynders, appear before the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBI) of the European Chamber to comment on the implications of the Supreme Court's decision to open a criminal court. The case of the crime of terrorism against former President and Member of the European Parliament Carles Puigdemont. The decision comes in response to a request from the European People's Party, and as parliamentary sources confirmed yesterday, the coordinators of the LIBI Committee agreed to add the discussion with the Commissioner to the list of pending exchanges.

This appearance was approved with the support of the conservative majority in its attack on the Spanish Amnesty Law and the Spanish government Pedro SanchezThey will have to wait for the opinion of the Council of Europe's Venice Commission on the amnesty law. The President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe had requested the aforementioned report on December 8, and the draft opinion is scheduled to be voted on for approval in the session of March 15 and 16.

Three meetings are scheduled

Three Civil Liberties Committee meetings are scheduled to be held until the end of the legislative session. The first is on March 18 and 19, the second is on April 8 and 9, and the third and final is on April 18. Therefore, taking into account that Reynders intends to temporarily leave the position of Commissioner to campaign for the presidency of the Council of Europe at the end of March, the only viable option is to accept the Belgian Liberal's request. They will attend the meeting on March 18 and 19, although sources in the chamber admit that attendance will depend on “pressure exerted by the groups.”

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As parliamentary sources explained, the request submitted by the European People's Party group last Friday was supported by the majority of political blocs at the coordinators' meeting. As he pointed out s In a statement, the initiative went ahead “despite opposition from socialists and other left-wing groups”, S&D, Verds/A LE and the European Left, as confirmed by other sources. In the same statement, the People's Party spokesperson in the European Chamber, Dolores Montserrat, also highlighted the importance of listening to Civil Liberties Commissioner Reinders, especially after the Congressional Justice Committee approved a “tailor-sized” amnesty law. By pro-independence politician Carles Puigdemont.

Montserrat also warned that “the battle does not end here” and that the PP would continue to alert the European Commission to the steps taken by the head of the Spanish government, Pedro Sánchez, and “the risk of agreeing to an amnesty that will not protect democracy against a future coup and the rule of law to grant impunity in exchange for power.” .

As MEP Javier Zarzalejos added, “the open case against Puigdemont exacerbates the political liability and corruption that amnesty as a charter of impunity entails” and is “an urgent issue that the European Commission must address without delay.”

The request is made on the eve of a new meeting, with Reynders as referee, between PP and PSOE In Strasbourg to try to block the way for the renewal of the General Council of the Judiciary, which the People's Party threatened to do in recent days after approving the amnesty law. This will be next Wednesday during the plenary session of the European Parliament in the capital of Alsace.

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