The episode that “The Crown” did not explain.

The episode that “The Crown” did not explain.

Netflix has just been released scoop (Big exclusive), the film that recreates the anecdotes of the BBC interview with Prince Andrew in which he had to provide clarifications about his relationship with businessman Jeffrey Epstein, who was arrested on charges of sexually abusing minors. It is the most-watched interview in the history of British public television, and following the conversation he had with journalist Emily Maitlis, the Queen stripped her son of all royal titles. The Duke of York was present in evidence, where he awkwardly argued about his links with a sex offender and the relationships he allegedly had with a minor on three occasions.

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The interview took place in 2019, when the Epstein scandal broke widely. It's not about reconstructing the televised conversation on the show newsnight, But it all happened before and during the broadcast. “I spend half the time terrified that I'm going to be fired, and the other half wishing it would all be over. 'I don't see why they don't see me as one of them,' laments in the novel Sam McAllister, the BBC producer who had the clinical eye to spot that the Duke of York wouldn't take McAlister becomes the driving force behind this new version of Netflix because, despite the obstacles faced by his peers, he serves as the liaison between TV and The year and the crown.

In real life, McAllister no longer works for the BBC. He teaches negotiation classes at the prestigious London School of Economics, and somehow, Fiction uses his analytical skills to explain how the production company convinced consultants and Prince Andrew himself to take on TV. scoop It is based on the book that McAllister later published and it explains everything surrounding that interview. The film reconstructs how he paved the way for winning the trust of the Duke of York's Ministry of Communications. It also shows how the scandal was exploited to push for the necessity of the interview. The film reproduces previous encounters: “I don't know why my friendship with Jeffrey Epstein was so scandalous. Jimmy Savile knew him much better!”, the Duke of York joked in a private conversation, recalling the notorious BBC pedophile who claimed the lives of hundreds of victims. Actress Gillian Anderson plays broadcaster Emily Maitlis, and Rufus Sewell plays Prince Andrew. a scoop There is a fascinating scene: a parallel reconstruction of each of the parties involved in preparing for the interview. Maitlis rehearses questions and the Duke of York excuses, in an excellent montage before rehashing the conversation we saw in 2019 on the BBC. scoop It's a well-told story and a chance to look through the keyhole and discover the interiors and do's and don'ts of historic television broadcasts.

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