The epidemic is on the rise around the world this week

The epidemic is on the rise around the world this week

The Govt-19 epidemic has increased slightly around the world this week, driven by a series of outbreaks in North America: an amazing weekly improvement here, taken from the AFP database.

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However, the number of cases detected represents only a fraction of the actual epidemics and comparisons between countries should be taken with caution because testing policies vary from one country to another.

With 656,800 daily pollutants recorded daily in the world this week, the indicator is slightly higher (+ 2% compared to the previous week), according to an AFP report that stopped on Thursday.

The epidemic has been growing again since mid-June, triggered by a highly contagious delta type and it has become prevalent in many countries. But it looks like a two-week climbing plateau.

This week, parts of the world are experiencing different landscapes.

The situation continues to worsen in the United States / Canada region (+ 12%) and Oceania (+ 20%), while new pollutants are rising slightly in Europe (+ 4%), stable in Africa, almost constant (-1%) in Asia and the Middle East Down in the east (-7%).

Of those who recorded at least 1,000 daily infections in the past week, Ethiopia has the highest incidence (+ 62%, 1,300 new cases per day). Next are Germany (+ 50%, 8,300), Serbia (+ 49%, 1,900), Sri Lanka (+ 41%, 5,500) and Bulgaria (+ 35%, 1,300).

In contrast, this week Indonesia (-27%, 16,200 new cases per day), Morocco (-26%, 6,400), Botswana (-24%, 1,000), Libya (-24%, 1,600) and Nepal (-23%, 1,800) ).

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The United States has the highest number of new infections this week (155,300 daily cases, + 12%) more than Iran (35,100, -8%) and the United Kingdom (33,800, + 11%). .

In terms of population, the country with the most new cases this week is ahead of Kosovo (783 per 100,000 population), Georgia (774) and Montenegro (699).

United States

The United States has 1,192 more deaths per day this week than Indonesia (1,078) and Russia (792).

Globally, daily deaths are over 10,000 this week (10,069, + 3% per day).

The fastest vaccinating countries this week are mainly in Latin America, Asia and Oceania.

Panama has the fastest rate in countries with a population of more than one million, serving 1.58% of its population every day. South Korea (1.56%), New Zealand (1.40%), Malaysia (1.39%), Ecuador (1.32%), Israel (1.16%, but mainly third tier), Norway (1.14%), Australia (1.06%), El Salvador (1.06%) and Japan (0.99%).

But most vaccination campaigns in these countries are still far from the United Arab Emirates (181 doses per 100 citizens administered), Israel (153), Singapore (147 doses), Denmark (145), Chile (141), and Canada. (140), Portugal (140) and China (139), which are one of the countries with the most advanced campaigns.

This indicator can exceed 100 doses per 100 citizens because two doses should be fully effective for most vaccines in circulation.

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