The afternoon operation complicated the exit on the roads with queues in the southern region of AP-7

Friday afternoon is complicated in terms of navigation on Catalan roads. There have been delays in different parts of the territory, but the road has happened The most important queues were AP-7, In Tarragona

On this highway, the largest delays accumulated on the section in between Masdenvierg and Aldea And also at the height of Amitilla de Mar, where kilometers of queues were drawn due to the morning effect. At this point, there were also effects N-340 and A-7 All afternoon which ended around 8pm.

It was also cut off Dalt 1 hour demonstration tour Close to Val d'Hebron Hospital. Although it reopened at 6:15 pm, traffic stopped until 8:00 am.

Other traffic impacts that occurred throughout the afternoon:

You can check the traffic status here On all roads in Catalan territory.

Two truck accidents in Vandelos

The morning and afternoon were also very complicated in terms of traffic in southern Catalonia, with problems on the AP-7, A-7 andN-340 High Vandellòs, l'Hospitalet de l'Infant and Mont-roig del CampSouth direction

The fact is that two trucks overturned in this place, where strong winds were blowing an hour apart, and this fact caused the accident Great reserves On the three roads in the region.

The first accident was on the AP-7 aircraft Around 9 am, near Vandellòs and l'Hospitalet de l'Infant, and affected both lanes in the direction of Castelló. The second happened around 10 a.m. at the kilometer point 1.128 from the A-7 motorwayalso in Vandellòs and towards the south.

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