United States: 16 years see a car sink and sink. Save three girls

United States: 16 years see a car sink and sink.  Save three girls

A sixteen-year-old boy noticed that a car with three peers on its roof was sinking into the river e He does not hesitate to jump into the water to save the girls and even a policeman who intervened to try to keep them out of the way but were trapped in the waves. It takes place in the state of Mississippi, located in the southern United States.

The little girls in the car obviously didn’t even notice Global Positioning Systemdue to a malfunction of the device, He was leading them straight to the river. As soon as the car began to sink, the passengers climbed to the surface. Coron Evansa sixteen-year-old was passing through the area, He heard them scream. He had no doubts. “I took off my shirt and shoes – he told The Washington Post – and threw the phone on the floor. Then I dived.” The boy helped the three young women in the car, along with another agent, get to the beach.

the story

Evans just got back from a fun night out with friends. He was getting ready to go home and was a few steps away from the car, I left in a parking lot not far from the river. At that moment he saw the four wheels on which the three girls were standing, Keep the lights out along a small path under the highway overpass. The trail ends on a pier that leads to the Pascagoula River. The first thing he did is grab the girl Closer and bring it back to the beach. He then ran to the aid of the other young women, also relying on the reinforcements of a police officer, throwing himself into the water after taking off his jacket, body camera and belt with a pistol. However, the policeman had to deal with one of the girls’ reaction who, terrified, began to fidget, risking getting them to the bottom. Luckily The Koreans still had enough strength to help the three.

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“I’m glad everyone is safe and they succeeded – said Evans, after receiving the three girls’ thanks – fortunately no one lost their life that night.” and churion He also received the “forgiveness” of Mother MarketaInitially concerned about the child being late for the scheduled return time.

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