The actor's last partner accuses the children of wanting to kill him

The open war continues within the actor's family Alain Delon. This week, French justice sent a doctor to assess the real situation of the 88-year-old actor before deciding whether it was necessary to prove it. Legal procedures to ensure their protection. I did this upon requestAnthony Dillonthe eldest son of the artist.

We buy, The actor's last partner, The Japanese Hiromi Rollinsent a six-page letter to the Montargis prosecutor's office explaining some old facts that he considered qualified “Attempted premeditated murder” The actor accuses Alain Delon's children and requests an investigation.

Rollin confirms this The actor's children were deprived of medical treatment Necessary to stabilize his lymphoma.

The letter said that Alain Delon had not received any cancer treatment for six months, causing a “serious and rapid deterioration in his health.”

Three children from two marriages

The actor's three sons (Anthony, Alain Fabian and Anushka) were the heroes of the media and judicial war in recent months to “protect” the legend of French cinema. But before the confrontations between the siblings, they managed to unite against a common enemy: Hiromi Rolin.

In July, the three Dillon brothers filed a lawsuit against Rollin for “moral harassment.” At the time, Alain Delon was living with Hiromi Rollin and the children felt that their father's partner had been “exploiting their vulnerability” ever since. He suffered a stroke in 2019.

According to the actor's descendants, Hiromi was aggressive with them And monitoring phone conversations, emails, and all attempts to communicate between the father and children.

Following this complaint, Alain Delon and Hiromi Rollin stopped living together at the actor's residence in Duchy, south of Paris. Daughter Anoushka Dillon now lives in the family home.

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the Disagreements between family members The French actor has been broadcast for several months on television sets as well as in the courts, where Delon's children and his current partner have provided a lot of Complaints and counter-complaints. In just over a week, Anthonythe eldest son, filed a complaint against AnushkaDillon's only daughter. A complaint came back to him like a rebound because of Alain Delon Anthony was convicted To damage Anushka's reputation. A few days later, the actor's former partner, Hiromi disapproved of the three grandchildren.

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