The 100 springs of Cnr thirty open labs, games, and science pills

The 100 springs of Cnr thirty open labs, games, and science pills

On Friday May 12 starting at 9, Pisan Cnr (via G. Moruzzi, 1) celebrates its centenary with an all-day open event, a real party called “Spring of Research” (laprimaveradellaricerca.cnr .it). Entry is free all day. a rich program of presentations in the hall from 9; Topics covered will be linked to the 10 centenary keywords such as biodiversity, ecological transformation, digital transformation, and life sciences. Among the entries we note: “Why can’t a strange land in Lucca (nor in Pisa)?” By Andrea Macchi (Cnr-Ino), “Read Me in My Heart: A Study of the Effects of Chemical and Environmental Pollutants on the Cardiovascular System,” by Federico Vozzi (Cnr-Ifc). “A History of Energy in Eight Minutes” by Luca Bardi (Cnr-Ipcf), “The Unsustainable Lightness with which We Exploit the Soil” by Grazia Maciandaro (Cnr-Iret), “Even Plants Have an Internet” by Christiana Sabrana (Cnr-Ibba). Laboratories are also open in the morning, 30 wards with many activities also for the little ones.

There will also be the possibility to visit the Super Laser Laboratory (Cnr-Ino); The station is capable of developing more than 200,000 billion watts greater than the planet’s instantaneous electrical power. The afternoon program begins with the corporate greetings of Cnr President Maria Chiara Carrozza and Antonello Provenzale, President of Pisan Cnr. Science journalist, Silvia Bencivili, will organize her “borderline” interviews with researchers, in a very popular way, ranging from social networks to health research, to climate change, biodiversity, scientific expeditions in Antarctica and much more. With “Search from the Future – 100 Years from Cnr” Interview with Carrozza. Our researchers will tell you about science in a popular and engaging way, giving us ‘research postcards’ and important photos of their studies and careers. We came from far away and we want to go further. She discovers new worlds through her research,” Provenzale said. Carrozza adds: “On May 12, many young people who are in Pisa will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the various research areas in which the community of Cnr scientists is involved: physics, energy, earth sciences, the Internet, artificial intelligence and digital technologies, the frontiers of medical and biomedical fields, space sciences, and once Others, the study of climate and ecosystems, even those far away from us, like the Poles, which are very important for understanding climate change.”

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