Telecinco destroys Elionor because of her bad image: revenge of “Sálvame”

Telecinco destroys Elionor because of her bad image: revenge of “Sálvame”

The TV factory is dead. Or rather, they killed him. Catalan production company Save meOwned by Tarragona Oscar Cornejo, the most almighty, rebellious, and ungovernable on television. The company has been dissolved before Economic ruin. Only Telecinco hired her, with the very brief exception of some other series, and when they beheaded Paolo Vasili, the new managers were impressed Borja Prado, which is very close to the Royal House, has canceled all its programs. It was just there sociala low-cost space for holidays and weekends with a staff under 25 and a company code, Maria Patino. The humiliation is being fired at Christmas and forced to work on Christmas Day. La Patiño and Cornejo avenged them: Destruction of Eleanor

Goodbye TV factory, Telecinco

In this photo, Patiño is crying and a whole team of kids wearing Christmas sweaters Swan song The company's La Fábrica de la Tele logo will never appear again. In the end, they kept a report on that He insults EleonoreAnd he left her like a vine because of the poor quality of her clothes. To hide that it is a joke for the Crown, they confirm this Infanta Sofia 16 years old It's a great video with a devastating fashion expert: “We will give Leonor some tips to improve her look because she is like that according to our designer A bit old, not appropriate for its age. It's Letizia 2.0. On the other hand, the Infanta Sofia is more modern. The logic is that the eyes are on the heiress and Sofia looks like a girl her own age. They are so superior in style to both, Sofia is more adorable but Letizia wears them how she dresses herself In the youth in Mallorca, all three wear espadrilles and boho dresses. It is critical that they take off Sophia's heels, and her body language collapses. It has complex arches“. They illustrate this with some pictures of Sophia the Hunchback:

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Old Eleonore and Sofia the Hunchback, Telesenko

The program states “Leonor It must improve Its design should be more modern and less institutional. If she wore wilder, more modern clothes Can connect with a younger audience And everyone loves her“. Warning for a supposed trivial program: The young people consider Eleonor imprisoned, a widow and old, and the fault lies with Letizia, in parentheses Letizia the adulterer, and therefore the crown of Brila. Borja Prado, son of the king's right-hand man, has already received the slap. social He does not say anything that is not on everyone's lips, but what is new is exactly this: Let them say it. They did this because Telecinco canceled all software that did what they wanted. Now it's all Ana Rosa Quintana, producers with no personality and a low audience. Beware that the economic ruin that doomed La Fábrica de la Tele does not drag them down. And yes this is true Eleonore made the chrome.

Leonor Vita Chrome GTRES
Patino cries and fires Telecinco

The program did not dare to explain Letizia's adultery, nor did it dare to explain what was happening: that Maria Patiño was… Launched from Telecinco And a new production company is coming, which is Christian Galvez. The insidious detail is that, being a rosy programme, they refused to present the rosy news of the day, which was that Cristian Gálvez and Patricia Pardo, from Ana Rosa's production company, had become parents and were leaving the hospital with their newborn son Luca. Patino said “I need to fly” Without explaining that he's actually doing it: he's flying up his ass. Among the offices of Telecinco exhaled a sigh: La Fábrica de la Tele is dead and they dare not speak of the great affair of the Crown, which is not only the image of Eleonore's weak image among the youth but also Trumpets for King Philip. Let's see who is the handsome one who dares.

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