Speaking multiple languages ​​helps prevent two serious degenerative diseases | Science proves it

Speaking multiple languages ​​helps prevent two serious degenerative diseases |  Science proves it

The Trekani Encyclopedia defines the word bilingual as “The ability of an individual or ethnic group to use two different languages ​​alternately and without difficultyIt’s important to know what happens to the bilingual brain, especially because it can.

Language is certainly a factor linked to identity and culture. We are born speaking what is called a “mother” language, which sometimes becomes bilingual.

The greatest probability of learning a foreign language is recognized from an early age. But let’s see what happens in the bilingual brain.

Bilingual brain (web image)

False myths about bilingualism

“When talking to my students about their childhood experiences, I found that many of them were discouraged from speaking two languages ​​as they were growing up. This was based on the misconception that doing so would delay development.” These are the words Professor Yang Huajina cognitive and developmental psychologist at Singapore Management University (SMU), according to the association Alzheimer’s rhizome. In the sixties, in fact, it was Bilingualism has been associated with cognitive deficits, lower levels of intelligence, and even mental deficits. Messages that have been refuted by recent studies, Yang explains.What we’ve found over the past three decades is that Bilingualism has a significant impact on cognitive function, about the way we think, make decisions, perceive things, find solutions and so on”.

bilingual brain
Bilingual brain (web image)

In support of the latest studies, let’s take a look at the diagram in the image that represents a filebrain aging monolingual and bilingual. In monolinguals, aging is associated with increased recourse to the frontal regions – according to the PASA hypothesis. In bilinguals, cerebral aging shows preservation of the posterior regions (including the temporal and parietal cortex), as well as increased connectivity between the frontal and posterior regions, which leads to the formation of a cognitive reserve.

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Thus, bilingualism helps to enhance and delay brain function Onset of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. “I was interested in the factors that influence this executive control, as it can in turn shape our performance at work, school and in other parts of our lives. After all, the most important cognitive functions affect our lives in various areas, regardless of age”Finally, the researcher explains.

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