Serie A: Inter Spezia 3-0, goals from Lautaro, Calhanoglu and Korea – Sport

Serie A: Inter Spezia 3-0, goals from Lautaro, Calhanoglu and Korea – Sport

Inter beat Spezia 3-0. (the record) Sassuolo Lecce 1-0 (the record)

Inter dominate and win without difficulty, Runs the game and never worries La Spezia. Great team performance, solid and technical at a much higher level. He won 3-0, but the score could have been more rounded. Everything is going well, Lautaro returned to the goal that he celebrated in front of 71,000 fans, there is confirmation from Barilla and Calhanoglu, a defense always organized, the reserves once again do not disappoint. But the story – almost perfect – is that of Romelu Lukaku. The Belgian returns to San Siro after more than 450 days, the goal is not coming because the crossbar is depriving him of the greatest joy but there is his hand in both the Lautaro net (a new pass and harmony) and in the double signed by Calhanoglu, causing a commotion. in the Ligurian defence. He was visibly moved upon entering the field, the crowd’s greeting was positive but not overwhelming, and he reciprocated by placing his hand over his heart. Regardless of the arena we need the facts, after rivers of words and maybe the Belgian does the best thing, he proves he’s a team man before he’s a bomber. He leaves the lights on for his comrades, and gives them the best light, especially to his friend Lautaro. Excellent performance as a “assistant player” and the moment you leave the field, the applause is thunderous and the first choruses can be heard. The Nerazzurri’s 71,000 fans leave San Siro with a smile. Inter did nothing wrong, they patiently waited for the sinking moment and did it with Lautaro Martinez, with a header from Lautaro. Then Inter missed many chances to double, whether with the Argentine or with the Belgian crossbar. But it is not a harbinger of exciting vicissitudes. Because at 7′ of the second half, Calhanoglu collects a vacant ball and with the board puts the ball on the edge of the shaft, doubles up and now plays it safe. Spezia who seems to have managed to contain the hosts – not without apprehensions – succumbs to Inter. Then Inzaghi remembers the main attackers and gives space to Dzeko and Correa. And even from the reserves he is not disappointed, the Argentine finds the goal by achieving Dzeko’s good help in taking control of the box and serving his partner. After the doubts that Lecce first experienced, Inter have been roaring and sending a signal to the direct challengers for the title. Tomorrow comes Napoli and Milan, then Roma and Juventus. Forced to win to keep up with the Inzaghi team and with the certainty of Skriniar staying, the Nerazzurri coach can now focus on the tournament with more calm. Next week it depends on Lazio who stopped at Turin and Inter arrive there with greater certainty and awareness.

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A great goal from Berardi gives Sassuolo the first points of the season, leaving the mouth dry lychee. The decisive goal in the first-half final with a gem from outside the area of ​​the rare beauty with the number 10 Dionysian. A goal that allowed the Emilians to manage the advantage until the end, despite the generous return of the Apollinians who, thanks to the inclusion of Panda at the start of the second half, sought in vain in the way of the net for at least a draw. Both wanted immediate recovery after their first defeats against Juventus and Inter. The job was done only by Sassuolo who, without particularly brilliance, put the weight of the singles, in particular Berardi, the only one among them who made himself dangerous. At the start, Pinamonti’s first starting jersey. Sassuolo without Traore and injured Muldor, with Rasbadori sold to Napoli, also involved Ehrlich in defense and Henrique, who preferred the latter over Thorstvedt. Lychee also with the 4-3-3 model. Numerous confirmations of Baroni, with Sesay’s central point surrounded by former Strizza and Di Francesco. The match wakes up especially in the second half of the first half, thanks to the less shy Sassuolo. At 39′ Berardi’s goal masterpiece, freshly renewed until 2027. When the Lecce defense, after a corner kick, was rejected from outside the area, the Calabria talent straightened his left and quickly, without thinking for a moment, directs the ball where Falcone can’t reach. Before the break (42 minutes) Henrique tries to surprise the Lecce goalkeeper, who blocked his header. In the second half, the entry of Banda in place of Di Francesco ensures more vitality for Lecce’s offensive match. At 13′ Gonzalez arrived a moment behind schedule with a cross from the right by Gendry. He is risking Sassuolo while still managing the situation under control with careful defence. Lecce plays better and more vertical than in the first half, but it is not enough for a draw. At 40′ Berardi is again looking for a way to score the goal with a shot that does not frame the goal. All in all correct result.

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