Science is accelerating: 46 terabits/sec in the US, none faster in the world

Science is accelerating: 46 terabits/sec in the US, none faster in the world

The world’s fastest network is the stars and stripes. It is known in short ESnet6 And with the latest update, it gets a file Bandwidth 46 Tbps (Tbps). Plan with your fantasies, because ESnet stands for Energy Science Network So, in essence, it is science that will move at speeds never seen before.

ESnet6 consists of 15,000 miles of fiber-optic cable (in kilometers they make more than 24 thousand) that form a capillary network. Today, a real leap between generations brings the maximum speed to 46 terabytes per second. Better than ESnet6 had established contact in Japanwhich was able to scan petabits per second, or Pbps, and thus 1000 terabytes per second, but unlike ESnet6 available to the scientific community in the US, the Japanese type was a configuration experimental.

These numbers are so high that we, users belonging to the “real” world, may have a hard time estimating them. To illustrate, the fastest TIM fiber network arrives in the price list, which is available at the end of the trial to all (users included) in a promotional launch from and to a few days 10 GbpsSo despite being the fastest in Italy and one of the fastest in Europe it is 4600 times slower than ESnet6.

ESnet6 represents a transformative change in the way networks are built for research, with improved capacity, resiliency and resiliency – said Inder Monga, CEO of ESnet. Together, these new capabilities make it faster, easier and more efficient for scientists around the world to conduct and collaborate on ground-breaking research.

the network ESnet over 35 years ago to allow the rapid exchange of Huge amounts of raw data (In 2021 it was 1.1 exabytes, or 1.1 million terabytesan increase of 10 times every 4 years) scientists derive from simulations and scientific experiments between different laboratories spread across the United States that report to the Department of Energy (DOE).

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In short, science will travel faster. Much faster, the progress of the United States will be reflected everywhere, including Europe.

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