Researchers’ Night: Insubria talks about science and research in Varese, Como and Posto

Researchers’ Night: Insubria talks about science and research in Varese, Como and Posto
Night Searchers in Ensubria

Varese – This year also the University of Insubria joins Night of seekers, a European initiative that has been held since 2005 on the last Friday of September in more than 300 cities on the Old Continent, to introduce the general public to research and its protagonists in a fun and attractive way. Insubria shares a calendar full of events Varese, Como and Busto Arsizio between September 27 and 30; The subject chosen by the university is “Be prepared for the future”It is an invitation and at the same time an affirmation that is expressed differently in different fields of research. Meetings in university buildings are for elementary, middle, and high schools, but are also open to the interested public.

Night of the Researchers in Varese

Preview Researchers Night is a conference Wednesday 27 September 7pm, in the main Granero-Porati hall on Via Dunant 3 in Varese: “A window on the climate” It’s an opportunity to talk about climate change with professors Mauro Guglielmin and Nicoletta Cannon, and live on YouTube, with Insubria students based at the Toolik base in Alaska (

Friday 29 September Activities address multiple aspects of the future, with many proposals on the Bizzozero campus.

In the classrooms in the Monte Generoso pavilion, from 8.30 to 12.30, we talk about how computers think with teachers Prunella Gerla and Pietro GallianiAn interactive conversation based on the energy we use every day with the researcher Fabrizio Fattoriwhile the researcher Marco Barozzi And the teacher Sabrina Copelli They created a small laboratory to demonstrate the difference in run sizes when preparing a prototype chemical reaction.

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Practical activities are also proposed: the importance of knowing the risk factors underlying the development of tumors is explored through interactive games in the professor’s laboratory Greta ForlaniIn cooperation with Airc; A small mechanical model of the respiratory system was built using balloons, plastic bottles, straws and tape with the teachers Andrea Moriondo, Eleonora Solari and Christiana Marcozzi; Soap cells are created with Finder Marcella Rigozzoni.

Researchers are still in Monte Generoso Giorgia Gastaldon, Francesco Paolo Bianchi and Elena Valentina Maiolini Propose an interactive analysis of simple everyday texts to show how the tools of three different humanities disciplines can make us more attentive citizens.

At the headquarters at 3 Dunant Street there is a laboratory sponsored by Prof Loredano Poligione And researchers Valentina Perello and Elena Rossini It is dedicated to researching microplastics in water, while researchers work to bring children closer to the world of microbiology Francesca Perini and Elisa Benda They organize small practical activities to discover the world of bacteria.

Saturday 30 SeptemberTo conclude the week, at 3 pm in Piazza Montegrappa, experiments, talks and games are available to everyone, with teachers and students coordinated by the teacher. Marina Protasoni (In case of rain, the event will be cancelled.)

Researchers’ Night in Como

It starts in Como Wednesday 27 SeptemberAt 2:30 pm in the Scientific Center of Via Valeggio with a mathematical magic show by the professors Antonetta Mira and Giovanni Bazzoni: A 90-minute journey through decks of cards, dice, magic clocks, impossible feats, and astonishing predictions.

“Light makes a show” Thursday 28 September 6pm in the Tempio Voltiano in Como, where a light exhibition with students and teachers is scheduled Alicia Allevi, Barbara Giussani and Silvia GazzolaFollowed by a short lecture on the role of female scientists in searching for light from the universe.

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Many proposals Friday 29 September.

At 9 am Scientific Center in Via Valeggio A meeting dedicated to Pliny the Elder is scheduled for the occasion of the second millennium: The Teachers Laura Rampazzi and Cristina Curti They tell how his work “Naturalis Historia” remains a current text and how well its lessons are followed.

Also scheduled at 9 a.m. is a Physics Teaching and Dissemination Workshop, organized by teachers Alicia Alevi and Maria Bondani, on the subject of biophysics. Researcher Bundani continues at 2pm with conferences on quantum physics and quantum technologies.

10am and 2pm “Mathematics Everywhere: Are You Ready?” With the professor Giovanni BazzoniWhich will tell us how this science really exists everywhere: in online payments, in music, in games, and in the study of climate change.

At 16:00 At the Silk Museum in Como an offer Contract draft By teachers Roberta Minazzi and Valentina GiacomettiWith historical and cultural interventions in the field of textiles and fashion.

The Sept. 29 intensive ends at 8 p.m “Insubria under the stars”: An evening organized by the teacher Michela Perst, to observe the Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, the Pleiades, Vega, Andromeda and many constellations using telescopes, but also to follow strange mini-conferences and conduct many experiments to understand the composition of the stars and how far away they are. , to create lightning, discover our weight on Jupiter and the Sun, what earthquakes look like on other planets, how to put a satellite into its orbit and calculate its orbit thanks to mathematics, how to control air quality through ground and satellite observations, and much more.

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Night of the Researchers in Busto Arsizio

Friday, September 29 at 6pm in the Molini Marzoli Library Auditoriumin Busto Arsizio, “Molecules in the Kitchen”: a theoretical and practical presentation of molecular cuisine, with techniques and ingredients for new sensory experiences, curated by Prof. Mauro Fasano.

Meeting on Saturday 30 September in Piazza Santa Maria from 2.30pm to 6.30pm: Teachers and researchers, in coordination with Marzia Gariboldi and Emanuela Marrasproposing scientific experiments to arouse citizens’ curiosity and surprise them with the magic that science can offer (in the event of rain, the event will be cancelled).

Night Searchers in Ensubria – MALPENSA24

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