Rulers are not magicians, science matters.

Rulers are not magicians, science matters.

AGI – “Let’s try to look at the data and answers given by the scientific world and official bodies: Rulers are not magicians and look at the official data. The data shows that the vaccine works well. It has excellent anti-inflammatory result, very good against hospital treatment. Today, a significant part of the population has joined the vaccination campaign. The thing that we should avoid is that there is a huge increase in the demand for hospital treatment. However, we must give certainty to the economic system.” This was stated by Massimiliano Fedriga, President of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region and Conference of Regions, who spoke in half an hour on Rai3.

“We suggest that the government choose measures to boost vaccinations as quickly as possible, while ensuring, in the event of a passing zone, that restrictions on those who have been vaccinated can be overcome. Also to give certainty to restaurants and hotel owners and to include undecided,” Federiga added. Excluding someone – he explained – but those with a lower tendency to risk hospitalization should be given the possibility to be able to do something more. The alternative is that otherwise we will all close. We are not talking about actions to lock someone down but to open someone else a little more“.

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