Renovates La Rinascente store in Florence

Renovates La Rinascente store in Florence

Florence, June 13, 2023 – Florentine RenaissanceAnd get ready to celebrate Renovation of the shop in Piazza della Repubblica: a 13 million investment Euro for intervention that started in the covid period and ended today. It included renovations, but also new interior decoration and a brand new range. The festivities, called Be Florentine, begin today and will last two days: this evening there will be a gala dinner at the Salone dei Cinquecento in Palazzo Vecchio (250 guests including VIP clients, press and authorities) with a concert by Alice. Tomorrow a big event in Piazza della Repubblica, where A Crystal tensile structure with an area of ​​1000 square meters which will welcome, by invitation, collaborators (about 400 people) and friends of the department store. Evening DJs and a private concert are expected here Piero Bello. The idea of ​​the project is to celebrate the Florentine nature of the store, a principle that also applies to the global strategy of the Rinascente group, which has 9 stores in Italy (two of which are in Rome). “We don’t make all stores the same, – explained CEO Pierluigi Cuccini today – we use the phrase ‘a group of stores’. We use a common thread, but Florence, for example, makes use of the architectural columns of the city, in the store there is raft and terracotta, wood and marble. Among the novelties of the Florence store are a shoe department of 300 square meters and an even larger department for men. In terms of turnover, the Florence department store within the group weighs as much as the shops in Turin and Rome-Fiume: around 40 million euros each in 2022. The group aims to close 2023 with a revenue of one billion euros, half of which is made from the Milan store. As far as attendance is concerned, the Florence store asserts itself as a “local non-touristy” store, Cocchini explains: 35% of consumers are foreigners, the remaining 65% are Italians.

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