Ravenna and Ludovico Tersini, actor and host of X Factor, investigated by prosecutor for gross defamation

Ravenna and Ludovico Tersini, actor and host of X Factor, investigated by prosecutor for gross defamation

Luca Tersini,
Luca Tersini, “Summertime” actor and host of The X Factor

X Factor host Ludovico Tersigni, already one of the protagonists of the hit Netflix series “Summertime” and Skam Italia, is being investigated by the Ravenna prosecutor for gross defamation.. He was sued in October 2020 by the owner of a famous nightclub in Marina di Ravenna, “Matilda Disco Touch”. In a post published on his Instagram page, Tersigni called on his fans (280,000) not to attend the club after they reported being verbally and physically assaulted.

Matilda nightclub
Matilda nightclub

the ring

A post was then removed, followed by letters written to nightclub managers in which Tersini promised himself to return to the coastal nightclub “as soon as the waters calmed down” with reference to what had happened.. It had just begun in August (the stony episode of the scandal dates back to the night between July 31 and the first of the month) in the summer of Covid after the first violent wave of the epidemic, that season when discos reopened. A few weeks later, the closures imposed by the dramatic development of the situation. Then the owner of the place filed a lawsuit against the 26-year-old actor and informed the Ravenna Public Prosecutor Tersigni to notify the conclusion of the investigation.

Actor’s Posts

The director of “Matilda Disco Touchè” was defended by attorneys Paola Bravi and Emanuele Fregola and the lawsuit was filed at the end of October 2020. The actor was on the Riviera filming some episodes of the Netflix series “Summertime” set in Romania in the neighboring city of Cesenatico. On the evening of July 31, Ludovico Tersini spent an evening in Matilda Like many of his peers. The next day, with a post posted on Instagram, the actor said he was physically and verbally attacked by two – most likely – guards. “Two of my friends and I were pushed – to the wall – by two people in black shirts and headphones for no reason.” In the post, very long, Tersigni also called on his followers to boycott the place. “Disco is a challenging environment, for those who work there and we as guests must always keep in mind that the world around us is a world made up of mechanisms that include alcohol, loud music, wrong words and hands.”

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One of the owners of the restaurant also responded to the post, explaining his version of events: Tersigni did not want to pay for some of the drinks consumed. A few hours later, the famous maestro deleted everything and wrote a letter to the directors explaining that he “always had fun at Matida.”. On October 30 of the same year, the complaint was actually submitted to the Attorney General’s Office. In some of the messages that the owners exchanged the next evening with the group that Tersigni was part of, the complaint was also broadcast by one of those who posted some pictures showing the bruising caused by the guard’s alleged attack. to be clear.

Goodbye social media

For the record, Ludovico Tersigni decided to leave his Instagram channel. and in meeting with Corriere della SeraLast May he explained, “I feel good without social media (..) they are black holes, I can’t manage them, I ended up spending a lot of time with them, and they became addicted, you are always looking for something new., the coolest picture of what I’ve seen Just. I can’t do that, there is only one and there is a lot of things to follow. For those who work with the image, there is also the risk of inflation, making you lose credibility, feeding you to an audience that does not know you. Without social media I have my life and do whatever they please Mine “.

Dec 3, 2021 (change on Dec 3, 2021 | 14:26)

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