Putin, stop gas and oil if they impose a price cap. Von der Leyen: “Only blackmail from him” – Europe

Putin, stop gas and oil if they impose a price cap.  Von der Leyen: “Only blackmail from him” – Europe

Russia will no longer supply oil and gas to those Western countries that impose a ceiling on Russian energy prices. This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin in Vladivostok. “We will not offer anything if it contradicts our interests… in this case economic. No gas, no oil, no coal. Nothing,” Putin added.

Putin said he had in mind Restrictions on the export of wheat And Ukrainian seeds to Europe and discussed with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. “Maybe – said Putin from Vladivostok, citing TASS – we should think about limiting the export of wheat and other foods along this route (between Ukraine and Europe, ed.). I really think I will talk about it with Turkish President Erdogan. After all, we were We are the ones who came up with the Ukrainian grain export operation.”
Kyiv version. “The agreements signed in Istanbul relate to only one subject, which is the transportation of cargo ships through the Black Sea. Russia can’t tell where to send its grain to Ukraine And Ukraine cannot impose the same on Russia. This was stated, according to the Guardian, by an adviser to the Ukrainian president, Mykhailo Podolak.
For his part, Erdogan said that the West continues toprovocation policySpeaking about the energy crisis in Belgrade during a joint press conference with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Erdogan added, “To Russia, which does not consider this position” right “. Russia should not be underestimated.”

It is no longer “meaningful” to listen to what the Russian president has to say Vladimir Putin is in the energy field because Russia does nothing but “blackmail the European Union” and this can be seen from the fact that supplies to many member states have been completely cut off. This was stated by the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen. “For now we just have to protect ourselves and strengthen our position.”

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The sanctions imposed by Western countries on Russia constitute a “threat to the whole world.”
Russian President Vladimir Putin said in his speech at the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok. “The pandemic has been replaced by new global challenges that pose a challenge to the whole world. I am referring to the madness of Western sanctions and aggressive attempts (by the West) to impose a role model on other countries, depriving them of sovereignty and subjugating them to its will,” the Kremlin head said.

Putin said it was “impossible to isolate Russia”, Regarding Western sanctions. Putin, speaking at the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok, added – quoted by TASS – that “Russia has not lost or lost anything due to the special operation (invasion of Ukraine, ed.), but has already strengthened private sovereignty. ” The Russian leader said he was sure that “the world economy is going through a difficult period, but the logic of cooperation will certainly win.”
The Russian president said that Russia had not started hostilities in Ukraine, but was “trying to put an end to it, because it has been going on since 2014.”

Russian soldiers guarding the territory of the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant

The commander of the Russian occupation administration of the Ukrainian city of Berdyansk passed away
In Zaporizhia Oblast, Artem Bardin was injured yesterday by the explosion of an explosive device in his car. This was reported by the Kyiv Independent, which claims, citing the Russian administration. Bardin, writes the Ukrainian news site, died in hospital of severe injuries.

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