“Putin points to Romania”, the next map of Europe – Libero Quotidiano

“Putin points to Romania”, the next map of Europe – Libero Quotidiano

Special military mission “to liberate Donbass“According to General Vincenzo CamporiniGuest on Giovanni Flores in Studio A Tuesdayin La7, it is the same work of the Russian army that refutes the Kremlin’s propaganda about The war in Ukraine.

That day in Kherson rubles as an exchange currency. Kherson Not in the Donbass and this is the clear proof that the Russian intention is to go beyond the liberation of Donbass, and presumably we want to push ourselves into Odessa and up to Transnistria“.Putin’s ultimate goal is to occupy the southern region in order to isolate the central body from the sea and to seal the rest of Ukraine within a continental region, preventing any kind of trade.”

Map of Ukraine and Putin’s Real Plans: Watch DiMartedì . Video

La7 trend broadcast Map “War” Ukraine. Flores asked the Italian general, “The Sea of ​​Azov is now a Russian sea. Where do the Russians want to move? What are their plans?” “For concrete practical reasons on the ground limited to my province’s control Lugansk and Donetsk, to the east.” But what if we come to Putin’s mind? The possible end goal is to take control of half of Ukraine, with the entire southern region” in such a way as to isolate the central body from the sea, sealing off the rest of Ukraine within a continental region. Which would prevent any kind of trade, Ukraine’s life.”

“In addition, it is worth noting, perhaps no one has mentioned yet, that the language in the southwest is on the border RomaniaWhich NATO member. So Putin is trying to expand his borders with NATO, quite the opposite of what he said at the beginning. A little consistency.”

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