Pope: On the eighth of June, let us dedicate a minute of prayer for the end of wars in the world

Pope: On the eighth of June, let us dedicate a minute of prayer for the end of wars in the world

At the end of the public audience in St. Peter’s Square, Francis asked the faithful of different denominations and religions to join the “Minute for Peace” initiative of the International Catholic Action organization which proposes to stop tomorrow at 13 o’clock to proclaim peace on the five continents and especially in Ukraine

Tiziana Campisi – Vatican City

A new call to pray for peace in the world. Francis addresses him before closing the public audience in St. Peter’s Square, asking everyone to invoke harmony among the peoples. The Pope asks for prayer in particular for Ukraine, where yesterday the mission of Cardinal Matteo Zubi concluded, sent “to listen in depth to the Ukrainian authorities about possible ways to achieve a just peace and to support human gestures that contribute to the easing of tensions,” as he explained in a statement of the Holy See.

Francis expresses his thoughts for the Eastern European country tempted by war more than a year ago in words spoken for the Polish-speaking faithful, to whom he recommends, once again, to persevere “in Christian charity and in support of the Ukrainians” and then, in conclusion, his greeting to the Italian pilgrims Addressing the faithful of different faiths and religious denominations, he urged them to join, tomorrow, June 8, the initiative of the World Catholic Action “Minute for Peace” for Ukraine, the Holy Land and the whole world.

The Azione Cattolica Internazionale proposes that tomorrow, at 1:00 p.m., the faithful of different denominations and religions gather to pray, devoting a “minute of peace”. We welcome this call, we pray for the end of wars in the world and especially for our dear and suffering Ukraine.

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Invitation to the World Forum of Catholic Action

It is a “simple initiative”, explains the International Forum of Catholic Action, and recommends that everyone spread it “within the family, among friends”, in associations, “in places of study and work”. The suggestion is to “stop a minute to pray or to dedicate a thought for the sake of peace”, tomorrow, at 1pm in your country, wherever you are.

The initiative was first launched in 2014

A Minute for Peace was launched for the first time on June 6, 2014, in support of the “Prayer for Peace”, promoted by Pope Francis, which was to take place two days later in the Vatican Gardens with the then President of Israel. Simon Peres and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, in which Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople also participated. To further the prayer initiative, the International Catholic Action Forum launched the hashtag #unminutoporlapaz on social media and made it available on their website. king website A series of resources and a small guide to gathering and praying and on June 10 invites you to a short online prayer meeting “with some friends from the strife countries.”

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