Piracy accounts for approximately 5% of sales of toys, clothing and cosmetics

Piracy accounts for approximately 5% of sales of toys, clothing and cosmetics

Clothes, shoes, cosmetics and toys are the alphabet of Christmas gifts and sales with revenues amounting to about 35 thousand million euros annually in Spain, but approximately 5% of this is lost due to counterfeit products, according to calculations carried out from a study prepared by the Anti-Corruption Association. European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO). In terms of employment, there are about 15,000 jobs that have not been created due to pirated sales.

The report, published yesterday, analyzes data for the period 2018-2021 in these three sectors and concludes that in the European Union as a whole, the cost of counterfeiting for manufacturers rises to 16 thousand million euros annually and 200 thousand jobs. Germany, France, Italy, Spain and Austria, in this order, record the largest losses, with sales of original products falling by about $8 billion.

At the European level, the gaming industry is considered the most affected by counterfeiting, as it lost 8.7% (1,022 million) and 3,608 jobs. This percentage reaches double digits in more than half of the EU countries, including Spain (11.1%), with 113 million lost sales annually, as well as 235 fewer jobs. The country most affected by counterfeit games is Germany, accounting for nearly a third of all sales and job losses on the continent.

Although the toy industry is the most affected by counterfeiting, the clothing and footwear sector is the sector with the largest volume of sales, with losses amounting to 5% in the sector’s sales volume in Europe, which amounts to approximately 12 thousand million euros annually. . In terms of employment, there are 160,352 fewer jobs. Led by Cyprus (10.7%), Ireland (10.2%), Luxembourg (9.2%), Lithuania (9.1%), Estonia (8.7%), in the case of Spain, there are 1,000 million euros missing, 3.7%. And 11,208 positions were not created.

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Cosmetics, lipstick and mascara are also counterfeited, an industry that loses €3,169 million a year, or 4.8% of sales on the continent.

In addition to the economic losses and their effects on the labor market, the report notes that counterfeit products in cosmetics and toys can pose “significant risks to the health and safety of consumers.”

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