Pictures of the most important snowfalls of the season in the Pyrenees

There is no doubt thatSnow accumulation The most prominent weather news expected for this Saturday. Such snowfall was urgently needed after a dry winter with below-minimum reserves in the Pyrenees, which is experiencing one of the worst seasons of the century.

As might be expected, snow fell at altitudes of approx 700 meters during the morning in the PyreneesIt caused some accidents on the roads.

Your snow pictures

If you go to the Photos and Videos section of the Weather Portal Viewer, you'll find many postcard images of what Saturday's snow episode now leaves us with. Below we show you a small selection.

Nevada in Port del Comte (Solsones) (Yolanda Kabakas)
Snow in Bossa Plan (Solsones) (Pilar Montada)
20 cm of snow at Capdilla Power Station (Palars Jossa) (Xavi Salvat)
Snow in Masilla (Cerdanya) (Joan Pérez Prat)
La pupla de lilit (Berguida) (Carme Corominas)
Rasos de Peguera, at an altitude of 1500 meters (Berguedà) (Violant de Puigventós)
Buixerda (Cerdania) (Elena Estivell)
Gosol (Berguida) (Lara Jimenez)
Belver de Cerdanya (Cerdanya) (Carles Soler)

Snow falling on social networks

Since first light, snow photos have been champions on the X Network. You can share your photos and videos using the hashtag #ElTemps3Cat or @eltempsTV3.

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