Per fi sol! And The Party, Jauría and L’auca del senyor Esteve, in the new programming of TMR – Guia de Roses

Per fi sol!  And The Party, Jauría and L’auca del senyor Esteve, in the new programming of TMR – Guia de Roses

This morning, the Rose Culture Advisor, Silvia Ripoll, presented the new program of the Municipal Theater for the January-May 2024 season. The humorous monologue Per fi sol! by Carles Sans (tricycle); Adaptation of the concert directed by Sergey Bulbul, with a cast of fine artists; The shocking Gurría in the media trial of the “La Manada” case; And L’auca del senyor Esteve, the result of the creation process that can be seen in the Televisió de Catalunya program “La Puntual;” are the highlights of the new program that will also include children’s theatre, music and dance.

Finally alone! The solo project of Carles Sans, a member of the legendary Tricicle company, will begin the new theater program at Roses on January 28. After the indefinite hiatus announced by the company and 40 years of acting in silence, Sans takes the word and combines it with his gestural expressions to tell funny secrets and professional and personal stories that no one knows, which he lived during all these years of his career. Finally alone! It is a collection of confessions, a ‘synthesis’ of Tricicle’s life based on true events, in which the actor combines words and gestures to paint a gallery of characters that create an endearing empathy between actor and audience. Tickets go on sale on Thursday, December 21st.

On February 25, Sally Potter’s acclaimed film The Party will arrive at the Teatre Municipal, written and directed by Sergi Bulbul and with a magnificent cast: Ángeles Junialons, Bel Duran, Marta Ribera, Keralt Casayas, Montse Gualar, Jordi Díaz and Luis Soler. The party is the epitome of high comedy, as what begins as a friendly celebration ends in unexpected fashion when the guests reveal surprising news. Conversations between friends about life’s dilemmas revolving around all sorts of issues, from the health care system, to the hypocrisy of a certain breed of intellectuals, professional progressives, and wealthy figures who, when the truth comes out, are the very opposite of what they make others (and even themselves) see.

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The stunning, multi-award winning band Jauría will be performing at Roses on March 2. Directed by Miguel del Arco and written by Jordi Casanovas, it is a documentary narrative created from the transcripts of the media trial of the five accused and the victim in the “La Manada” case, dealing with the events that took place in Pamplona. The night of July 6, 2016. A case that left a mark before and after, and shook the concept of masculinity, consent, and sexual assault in our society.

Another highlight of the season is L’Auca’s representation of Mister Esteve, by Santiago Rusiñol, which will arrive at Roses on May 5. The show, directed by Angel Lasser, is the result of the creation process seen in the program “La Puntual” on Televisió de Catalunya. A montage with a completely faithful adaptation of the original text, which reflects the values ​​of society at the end of the nineteenth century and has as its thematic focus the confrontation between the artist and society.

Apart from the presence of big names from the national scene, the cultural offer of the Teatro Municipal de Roses will remain true to its commitment to amateur theater in the regions of Girona. This program will include Allò que hém les éreres by Tequatre, while Roses Theater will present Politically Incorrect in March and will premiere a play, yet to be determined, next May.

Music and dance

On March 16, the theater will host the Show of Poets, a tour of words and music led by Joan Masotkleiner (voice) and Ana Godoy (harp), of works by major poets from the Catalan countries: Joan Salvat-Babasset – Vicente Andrés Estelés – Josep Me de Segarra – Play Bonnet – Joan Viñoly – Per Quart (Joan Oliver) – Mikel Martí Paul – Salvador Esperio.

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The Pilar Sanchez Youth Ballet will reinterpret Yerma on Sunday, April 14. A funny and tragic adaptation of Federico García Lorca’s classic, where dance and theater join forces to tell this story in a new way and leave no one indifferent.

Other proposals would be the classical music concert of the Figueres Youth Orchestra with the Orchestra of the Municipal School of Arts of Santa Perpetua de Mogoda (April 27), or the traditional Cantada d’havaneres (May 1), which will take place this year featuring the groups Port Bo (Calella de Palafrugell) and Pescadors The Badia of Roses.

Children’s and Family Theater produced by Optimist

For its part, the Optimist Association will continue to present its theatrical performances to family audiences on the first Sunday of every month. For this season, schedule the circus show When We Didn’t Touch Our Feet on the Floor (February); Rigoberta Theater, Wendigo and Puppet Proposal (March); 2023 Armchair Award for Best Family Show. Momo Association’s 28th anniversary (April); Sota Sola of the CIA. Ka Theater (May).

Gaudi film cycle

Regarding the Cine Gaudí Cine programme, present in the recent cultural programs of Roses, Councilor Silvia Ripoll announced that she is in talks with Cinemes Roses to be able to transfer the screenings of the cycle to the cinema hall, for which the film poster and final location will be announced at a later date.

A good option for Christmas this year is to give a cultural gift

Tickets for the theatrical performances will go on sale on Thursday 21 December from 12 noon via the website, allowing people interested in giving culture to their relatives this Christmas to buy and friends.

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The general admission price for theatrical performances is €15, while for performances organized by the City Council, discounts apply to holders of the Roses Cultura Club Card, Youth Card and Pensioner Card, and free entry applies to children under one year old. 16 (as long as they are accompanied by an adult) and for language pairs of roses.

Tickets can also be purchased in person at the theater’s box office (Thursday and Friday from 12:00 noon to 2:00 p.m., and on the day of the show one hour before the start)


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