Patent discovered for ‘fast ray tracing’ by Mark Cerny –

Patent discovered for ‘fast ray tracing’ by Mark Cerny –

Sony Interactive Entertainment and Mark Cerny have recorded a file patent linked to the systemAccelerated ray tracing‘, which could be related in some way to PS5.

Patent registered and shared Twitter By user Zuby_Tech. As you can see for yourself below, the patent appeared on February 24, 2022 and talks about “a system and method for accelerated ray tracing” as well as “a system and method for accelerated ray tracing with asynchronous operations and ray shifting”.

As always, we remind you that a patent does not necessarily mean that Sony actually plans to make this type of technology. Most of the time, patents are just a way to secure an idea. We also remember that the PS5 already offers ray tracing, so this potential novelty can be linked to an improved version, as the word “accelerated” suggests.

At the moment it is impossible to say much. We will see in the future if this patent will be used in some way by the Japanese company. Remember, Mark Cerny is the chief engineer behind the creation of the PS5 and the creator of Knack, exclusively on the PS4 discussed.

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