Parade of the Kings of Banyoles: schedule and route

Parade of the Kings of Banyoles: schedule and route

Parade of the Kings of Banyoles: schedule and routeBanyoles City Council

The arrival of the Eastern Kings is approaching, and Banyoles has already made the necessary preparations Their Majesties arrive on the evening of Friday, January 5th.

This will start today 7.30pm with a show with music, lights and “lots of magic”, as the city council confirmed, to receive the kings of the East and their royal pages: Mick, Bove, Chom and Loeb. The event will be held at the new football stadium where, according to the council, An area will be enabled for people with limited mobility. In addition, the show will also feature a man page, Sign language interpreter.

Once the Magi arrived in Banyoles, procession. The starting point will be Passeig Darder It will continue along Carrer de la Barca and Estany until Plaça de les Rodes where, From 8:30 p.m., there will be a chocolate party. The procession will continue along Calle Jacint Verdaguer, Porta dels Turers, Plaça Major and Calle Àngel Guimerà, ending at Passeig de la Indústria, in front of the City Hall.

Arnaud Nadal, from the parade organisation, explains that this day will be made possible thanks to 250 volunteers that participate. It also guarantees its distribution 1,200 kilos of candy, 800 of which are gluten-free. In addition, Nadal also points out that the procession “will have various novelties that we cannot reveal yet.”

Measures for ease of access

This year the parade will have one again Extension of low stimuli. Its location will be determined In Carrer de la BarcelonaFrom Carrer de la Sardana to Plaça del Carme. In this area, the music and lights will be less intense to reduce their intensity. In addition, this section will be closed to regulate people's entry and limit access. Neptú and de les Pedreres streets were created as alternative routes.

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This year there will be too Three spaces of calm Where all the people who need it can go. These three places will be La Carpa restaurant on Passeig Darder; Can Xabanet restaurant in Plaça del Carme; And La Sal pastry shop on Plaça Major.

As for people with limited mobility, with the exception of the space that will be provided on the football field, Another area in Plaza del Carmen will also be reserved.

The various measures were worked on with the support of Fundació Estany, Fundació Autisme Mas Casadevall and TEAcompanyEM, who provided training to the pages participating in both the Royal Embassy and the procession so that they knew how to deal with children with autism.

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