Older brother Vibe, Pierpaolo Pritelli, step back with Giulia Salemi: “Marriage? I’m running away!”

Older brother Vibe, Pierpaolo Pritelli, step back with Giulia Salemi: “Marriage? I’m running away!”

The surprising statements of the ex-Givino in an interview with Vero magazine.

Pierpaolo Petrellithe former protagonist of the fifth edition big brother vipHe gave an interview to the magazine True He talks about his future projects and of course Julia Salmithe Persian influencer who fell in love with him during his adventure in the reality show presented by Mediaset.

Older brother Vibe, Pierpaolo Pritelli, step back with Giulia Salemi: “Marriage? I’m running away!”

Many fans HusbandThey dream of seeing them meet wedding for a while but Birpaolo Seemingly: “Soon we’re going to a wedding and we’re going to collect the bouquet… And I’m already saying that if Julia really took it… She ran away!”

“We had a dream that we would soon get married, in a fancy wedding…” A reporter sneered at Vero: “Okay, come on, we’ll see… in the meantime, I’ll run away first…” Vilino’s previous iteration stripping news Who tried to evade the question of the future again marriage with the Salami.

Step back handsome giffino towards his sweetheart Julia? of course not. The “seasoned” are more united than ever. In future projects, Petrelli He admitted that there was a desire to write a theatrical script, a dream that would soon come true: “I’m writing it and I’m so proud of it… It’s going to be a ‘one-man show’…my first impact and encounter with an audience in the auditorium. It’s an experience I feel like doing.”

to the previous final in Big brother 5 who recently wrapped up her new adventure A Sunday in He described it as a great experience, and asked if he resented it Elisabetta Gregoracciwith whom he shared part of his adventure in Homepage For which some sympathy was born “I never heard from her again… There is no reason to do that,” The former Givino answered eloquently.

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Find out the latest news on big brother vip.

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