New update not working, users are desperate

New update not working, users are desperate

There was a time when it seemed that Android would replace Apple in favor of its users. Pure utopia? Not really, since there are a lot of people in the world who prefer Green Robot OS.

In fact, there are more than one who consider it easier and less complicated than iOS, and therefore prefer to buy phones with Android operating system (which are also less expensive than iPhone).

Android - 20221008
Android –

However, even the best make mistakes every now and then and that’s what happened recently to Google which seems to have messed up the Google Pixel OS update that has Android 13 installed.

Android Auto is not compatible with Android 13

Until the bad news comes to the owners Google Pixel Updated to Android 13. The latest version of Google’s operating system, which was released last August, seems to be causing problems for those who have installed the update but are unable to use Android Auto.

At least that’s what users are reporting, even if the phrases that reduce everything come from the Mountain View giant: According to Google, the significance is very limited, even in only two full cases for the largest number of Google owners Pixel 5.

Although Google said it was calm about the incident, it made it clear that it had passed the reports on to the team Android Auto Until you are able to identify a solution that can close the importance.

New update not working, users are desperate
Android Auto –

Thank you for reporting this problem. We’ve sent your issue to the rest of the team and will update you with the information available.” This is written by the technical services team of Android Auto which, however, so far nothing has been announced about any corrective patches to the problem.

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But someone managed to fix it at home: some Android Auto users actually reported that the problem could be circumvented by restoring the car’s infotainment system. Other users have found other ways to solve the problem by suggesting a change “USB default configuration“, Adjust”File Transfer / Android Auto“.

However, at the moment, Google has not yet announced anything in particular about the problem that many Android Auto users who received Android 13 on their Google Pixel have faced.

Meanwhile, another app from Google has received an update: it is discord, Which will now allow its users to view messages within the app and will also be able to reply simply by tapping on the message which will automatically send a read notification.


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