Net Neutrality and the American Transition: “Basic Broadband, Reclaiming Protection”

Net Neutrality and the American Transition: “Basic Broadband, Reclaiming Protection”

In the In the United States, net neutrality is back at the center of debate The government and the telecommunications regulatory authority, after it seemed that the Trump administration had closed the chapter by liberalizing telecommunications Web traffic. But in the Biden era, we… Federal Communications Commission (FCC) bent on A return to the pro-neutrality positions of former President Barack Obama: The commission voted yes on a proposal that would put net neutrality rules back into effect and also give it to the FCC. Supervisory authority over ultra-broadband networks to protect their function as a “global service” and ensure their cybersecurity.

Net neutrality, the FCC is ready to reestablish the rules

Internet and broadband rules, approved in 2015 under Obama, were rescinded by former President Donald Trump in 2017.The new commission, which has a Democratic majority like Joe Biden’s government, voted 3 yes And 2 there is no proposal to reinstate rules that prevent ISPs from prioritizing some traffic by creating fast lanes for content producers who pay for that service.

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Unified communication and collaboration

We propose to bring back clear rules prohibiting blocking or slowing down Internet traffic and paying for priority. The Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announced Jessica Rosenworcel. “The Internet should be more than accessible and convenient. The Internet should be fast, free and open.”

Republican FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr responded, saying that since 2017 “US broadband speeds have risen, prices have fallen (and) competition has intensified.” Carr said the FCC’s plan would lead to “government control of the Internet.”

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Broadband as a global service

NCTA – the Internet and Television Association, which represents major Internet service providers, criticized the vote, “By providing the broadest ever oversight of broadband networks, the FCC’s proposal constitutes a sea change in how the Internet is regulated,” it declared.

However, there is an important element highlighted by Rosenworcel, namely Broadband reclassification, which would give the FCC important new tools To protect National Security.

“We don’t want to limit ourselves to bringing back sustainable net neutrality rules, since events in recent years have shown us As important as broadband is, we must also restore to this agency the authority it had under Title II. “Public safety is at stake,” Rosenworcel said, referring to the reclassification, which Obama also wanted, of broadband under Title II of the Communications Act. In this way Fixed and mobile Internet access is classified as an essential public service Because it falls under the Telecommunications Act, it gives the competent authority, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), full supervisory authority.

Cybersecurity issue

Raza Panjwani, senior policy advisor at the Open Technology Institute, commented that the plan would allow the FCC toI “address barriers to broadband infrastructure deployment, requiring reporting on network performance and resiliency And keep Americans connected during public emergencies.

Rosenworcel noted Cybersecurity Implications: “We collaborate closely with other federal agencies on cybersecurity issues, planning and coordinating actions, and responding to threats. We address topics such as secure routing of the Internet in order to prevent attacks from malicious actors and pitfalls facing Internet traffic. But without reclassification under Section Second, the The FCC has limited authority that prevents it from incorporating updated cybersecurity standards In its network policies.

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In practice, today the FCC can intervene in the event of telephone outages following natural disasters and work to ensure the resilience of these networks before disasters strike, but it cannot do the same on broadband networks, which are also vital.

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