Naples, gang war by German ultras in the center: a police car is on fire

Naples, gang war by German ultras in the center: a police car is on fire

Half an hour of war In the historical center of Naples. after a day Voltagewaiting and attempts to avoid contact between the home fans and approx 500 ultras affiliateEintracht Frankfurt He arrived in the city despite the ban on seeing Auda eighths to ChampionsThe clashes started around 4:30 p.m. release fireworkssmoke bombs, uprooting bar tables and chairs, bottles And stones. With the entry of the police Riot control equipment In the middle of trying to avoid communication among fans. Everything he feared has happened. And in you fight They were Burn a leash Police cars and other cars. Theater of clashes and repetitions assaults They have been Jesus Square and adjacent streets. With the officers forced back into the alleys and using i tear gas to try to break up the violence.

The clashes began when German fans were allowed on Wednesday morning to march through the central square of the capital Sea frontThey had to take the buses that would pick them up He returned to the hotel where they reside. By then, dozens had appeared trouble makers with the Covered face who engaged in a fight while the police, in riot gear, were busy with Taksim factions and disperse the ultras. And to support the German fans, according to what has been leaked in the past few hours, some ultras fromAtlanta with what I am twinning. Around 17.30 the Ultras were loaded from Eintracht bus and escort them to the hotel in Via Caracciolo, where they have rented rooms, and where they are likely to come selected. During the trip some Neapolitan parties tried something new attempted assault Throwing stones at vehicles and other things.

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The police presence was immediately intense to prevent possible clashes with them Violent limbs Typhus in Naples, victim of several ambushes in Frankfurt in the first leg. Specifically because of the violence in the first leg governorate She ordered a ban on the sale of vouchers to all German citizens, however Tar Campania The measure canceled his retention Lack of motivation And very general. So the province was again activated by a decree relating to the sun population In frankfurt and the appeal to Administrative judges Proposed by the German club was cancelled. With that, the Eintracht Curve ultras decided to leave for Napoli, despite the fact that they could not attend the match scheduled for Maradona stadium. And there location where they can see Back From the round of 16 of the Champions League remains an unknown factor a few hours after kick-off. In fact, their hotel announced that they are not broadcasting the match.

“view Devastation from the historical center of the city unacceptable. We strongly condemn the unspeakable actions of those who have become the heroes of this matter violenceWherever it comes from. Neapolitans and Neapolitans do not deserve to suffer Serious material damageThe Mayor of Naples said: Gaetano Manfredi who also met the German ambassador to Italy Victor Elbling.

The tension had already built up last night: during the transfer on bus Towards the hotel, a group of Neapolitans launched rockets And stones against the Germans torpedoed, while dozens of Germans made torpedo hits raids bar against Bellini Square, closed at that time. Police intervention prevented contact between fans on several occasions. Some agents noticed, on Tuesday evening, in Piazza Dante the presence of about 100 Napoli fans attributed to associations b curve From Maradona’s stadium, which was divided into small groupone of which, to escape control of the steering wheel, pulled away and ditched 5 masts Plastic, two smoke bombs that it rocket.

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In the following hours, about 150 fans attributed to groups of curve amany of which are a Covered face And armed auctions Of the flags, after always meeting them in Dante’s square, moved and watched them DigosThey traveled through the different streets of the city until they stopped in the immediate vicinity of the hotel that housed the German fans, whom they could not reach thanks to the public order device located there. Also in the hotel area, during the night, other groups of Neapolitan supporters armed themselves stonesAnd bottles and flag poles.

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