Municipal police stop the occupation in Kanuriak

Municipal police stop the occupation in Kanuriak

The municipal police stopped SabadellOccupation of the building From Carriere Dosona, A Ka NoriakWhich caused disturbance to the neighborhood. Neighbors and municipal sources confirm that the occupation has created problems in coexistence. “We have a zero-tolerance policy for conflicting professions,” explains the Mayor of Sabadell. Marta Knightwho noted that this “was a highly conflicted occupation.” This is also one of the cases carried out by the municipal secretary, Josep Escartin, “They caused serious problems, noise, insecurity, dirt…,” he asserts.

The new Strategic Proximity Unit met with neighbors and owners of the building to find out the situation, and also spoke to the people who occupied it. The place was finally empty. “We didn’t have to end up with an evacuation because we acted with the police and they withdrew,” says the mayor, who acknowledged the officers’ work. He added, “The case was in the courts, but joint arrangements were made for attendance to avoid tension.” In addition, measures have been taken to prevent the space from being occupied again.

/Juanma Belez

The Municipal Police and Mossos de Escodra, in cooperation with the National Police, moved a joint apparatus to the neighborhood to maintain coexistence and tranquility between neighbors. The local body also intervenes Avoid two more illegal occupations last week. One is in an apartment on Carrer d’Austria and the other is in a building on Carrer d’Olzinelles.

/Juanma Belez

More actions to avoid professions

In 2016, 23 occupations were avoided and the following year only 16. In 2020, the number rose to 43. “Now is the time when we have fewer jobs in Sabadell,” Varez explains.

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Between July 2019 and June 2023, about 220 professions were avoided. the The municipal police banned one hundred professions Last year, the largest number of jobs were avoided, according to city council data. “It’s a very important line to ensure cohesion in neighborhoods, to ensure coexistence. It’s an important public policy,” he points out.

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