Kyiv: The Russians are evacuating state institutions from Kherson. Israel helps Kyiv: ‘Iran gives missiles to the Russians, we must contribute’

Kyiv: The Russians are evacuating state institutions from Kherson.  Israel helps Kyiv: ‘Iran gives missiles to the Russians, we must contribute’

Eleven army Russians killingOne Power plant it’s a fuel depot Both bombed. As well as sixteen explosions in the airport area. It happens in the Russian region Belgorodthe border territory of the Union Closest to the northeastern hot front of Ukraine Kharkiv And the land of transit from Russian lands to regions fighting. Even in the newly annexed Kherson region, according to the Kyiv General Staff, the Russians are evacuating, after the population, the so-called “state institutions”. At the same time Ukraine And the Russian raids took place for an hour, with alarm bells sounding in all regions. But while the conflict shows no sign of abating, the United States is issuing another warning to Moscow, warning it not to use Tactical nuclear weaponseven with limited power: “To use a nuclear weapon on the battlefield in Ukraine is to use a nuclear weapon on the battlefield in Ukraine. The White House National Security Adviser said that the idea that there are somehow differences in use is dangerous.” Jake Sullivan.

The Kremlin Meanwhile, he declared that NATO assistance to Ukraine “complicates the situation” but “does not in any way affect Russia’s goals”. And now comes the rescue of Kyiv, after the harsh criticism that Zelensky has received in recent months Israel: “Delivery to Iran ballistic missiles Russia has a call for Israel to provide military assistance to Ukraine,” the Diaspora Minister said in a tweet. Nahman tea.

Because Belgorod is a strategy – just Belgorod There is a military polygon where the men who are going to fight are trained Ukraine. a Crossroads customs Also crucial to the large “partial” mobilization of up to 300,000 conscripts to strengthen Russia’s military power in the country Ukrainewhich was ordered and announced on September 21 by the Russian President Russian President Vladimir Putin. This is not the first time that Belgorod Involved in conflict: they have already been bombed in recent months Facilities armya storage area oil And recently a warehouse Ammo it’s a Line Railroad. Even an apartment building was hit by some missiles. No one has claimed responsibility for the attacks, although Russia Allegedly they come from across the border. So, fromUkraine. On the other hand, Kyiv has repeatedly argued that the Russians themselves and their out-of-control missiles are to blame for the attacks.

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“The Russians are expelling the institutions in Kherson” The Russians withdrew from Khersonone of the four regions annexed after the four illegal referendums requested by Russian President Vladimir PutinAfter Moscow admitted to evacuating residents for security reasons: “The Russian invaders have begun The evacuation of the so-called state institutionsFrom the Kherson region to be transferred to the “temporarily occupied” territories of the Autonomous Republic CrimeaKyiv men said. “The enemy is trying to retain control of the temporarily captured territory, and is also trying to stop the movements of the Ukrainian Defense Forces in certain directions, while carrying out offensive operations in faintly And the verse Avdiivka“.

Explosions near the airport – “Reported by residents 16 blasts Close to the airport area BelgorodIn Russia ”, wrote the Center for Strategic Communications of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Telegram, as reported Ukrinform. Ukrainian media posted videos on the sites showing piles of smoke after the bombings at the air base. According to the Russian state news agency, RIA NovostiThis morning, the air defense system worked BelgorodThere were 16 explosions, the windows of the houses were shaking, the car alarms went off, and there was a very loud noise.”

Shooting in the shooting range – to shoot in army The Russian Defense Ministry declared that they were “terrorists” who were not better defined. Maybe it was about recruits Which they filmed automatic weapons against their fellow soldiers. at least 15 woundedShe was taken to hospitals, the Russian Defense Ministry said. Monday, sets He fliesReply fire. Oleksiy Aristovichan adviser to the Ukrainian president, said that at the origin of the shooting there was a discussion about religion, given that the two attackers who were later killed, came from the Central Asian country. Tajikistan which are predominantly Muslim, while about half of Russians follow various Christian denominations. The Russian ministry said that the attackers came from a country in Russia Commonwealth of Independent States, which includes nine former Soviet republics, including Tajikistan. As for the other attack, which targeted a fuel tank on Saturday, “the fire was put out in a 3,000-cubic-meter tank. There is no one left injurysaid a spokesman for the Russian emergency services. The previous day’s attack on someone Power plant In addition to the flames a black out In different parts of the capital, which is called by its name region.

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A discussion of religion would have been at the origin of yesterday’s shooting at a military training camp in the Belgorod region in southwestern Russia, in which 11 comrades were killed. To confirm this, wrote the Guardian, Oleksiy Aristovich, who stated in an interview on YouTube that

“Ready to liberate Zaporizhzhia” The mayor in exile Melitopol Ivan Fedorovannounced in cable that the armed forcesUkraine They are preparing to liberate part of the occupied Russian army in the area Zaporizhiathe southeastern region of Ukraine where the largest nuclear power plant in Europe is located. Fedorov I specifically mentioned that it’s not far from joliepool Kyiv units destroyed an ammunition depot, while a Tokmokbiology Kamianets Dniprovska Union forces suffered heavy losses in terms of soldiers and equipment. On the other hand, during the night, the eastern Ukrainian region Nikopol He was hit by Russian forces launched by 40 missiles It hit residential buildings and power lines and left 1,500 families without electricity. “The Russians They did not leave the area to rest Nikopol tonight. shoot Nikopol And the Marganitska. A 47-year-old man was injured several times. The head of the Dnipropetrovsk regional military administration said the bombing caused a fire. Valentine Reznichenkoaccording to Ukrainian media.

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