Morgan reveals his relationship with Michelle Braffy and Marco Mingoni

Morgan reveals his relationship with Michelle Braffy and Marco Mingoni

monstersconducted the program dTo Francesca Fagnani Hit again.

after sharing Pamela Prati In the first episode last night, the blonde anchor’s companion Enrico Mentana Host it inside its own TV container Morgan.

Former fellow singer-songwriter Asia Argento He allowed himself to go into an interesting interview where there was no shortage of even some “intimate” questions that Morgan Respond with a better zigzag than Alberto Tomba In the golden age!

there Fanny The musician asked if a man had his heart broken.

Have you ever fallen in love with a man?

here Morgan He pulled the ace out of his sleeve, which we mentioned a little bit Alex Bailey!

Well of course technically yes

To the presenter’s pressing questions about homosexual experiences in the strict sense of the word, the man’s unsettling response was …

No, I’ve never had homosexual experiences before in the sense that I can’t say.

The reporter asked if it was a confirmation of the question, but he continues to play courage and they start a hilarious curtain…

But what does a homosexual experience mean?

Have you ever been with a man?

But in the cinema? For dinner, for lunch? But I’ve been with great men, I’m with men

Is this a yes?

Absolutely not, it’s a game.

Morgan He’s veered off course the whole time, but his “no” responses have come under some criticism from Alberto Dandolowho wonders in an Instagram post whether his stance is “petit bourgeois regurgitation or a hard-nosed defense of ‘privacy’.”

If he is vague when asked about his intimate life, Morgan I didn’t send them to say when it comes to pronunciation Marco Mingoni And the Michelle Braffy, Immerse yourself in interesting discoveries on this topic.

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there Fanny Until one of Morgan’s discoveries was Marco Mingoni He asked if he had any gratitude towards him over the years.

answer Morgan It was a resounding “no”. the reason?

Because it’s surrounded by record companies that say you should never be in touch Morgan. He’s totally trapped and he too will eventually believe I’m evil.

Concerning Michelle BravyHe even secretly heard it!

I think I hear a secret Michelle Bravy On the phone… what if they catch me? They’re risking maybe singing some decent songs…

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