Margherita Hack, All About the Florentine World

Margherita Hack, All About the Florentine World

margarita hack, World famous and famous, one of the most famous and well-known Italian figures in the field of astrophysics and astronomy. Born in 1922, she was a member of the most prestigious scientific societies, from the Accademia dei Lincei to the Royal Astronomical Society, and was a reference point for the University of Trieste in the world. Throughout her career, she has been engaged in research, publishing, university and ideological commitment, and fights for many non-scientific causes, thanks to her charismatic and courageous personality.

Let’s find out who it was margarita hack, what was the his discoveries And its dual role scientist and citizen activist, A statue will be dedicated to him at Milan State University to mark the centenary of his birth in 2022.

Margarita Hack’s story

Margherita Hack He was born in June 1922 in the Tuscan capital to a Florentine mother and a Swiss father. His family is wealthy, adheres to the Italian Theosophical Society, an esoteric philosophical science of ancient origins. Margarita attended classical high school and carried her great passion for sports: she played basketball and telec, and became a champion in the long and high jump in Litoriale, during the outbreak. Childhood Margarita Hack She belongs to that generation brought up under the regime, from which she will take a clear distance as the racial records are entered in 1938. In the year 44 she married and graduated, at the end of World War II, in physics with a thesis degree on a type of giant star called Cepheids.

After graduation, he began a short experience in the optics department of Ducati, but in 48 he returned to Florence to teach astronomy. In parallel, she is actively engaged in publishing in the press with various sectoral magazines. Meanwhile, she collaborates as a researcher with important universities, such as the University of Berkeley, the Astrophysical Institute in Paris or the observatories of Utrecht and Groningen. For twenty-eight years she held the chair of astronomy at the University of Trieste, becoming director of the observatory until 1987. Also in Trieste she is the first woman to head the astronomy department, but her career also developed beyond the Alps, working with the European Space Agency and the European Space Agency. NASA to reach a global reputation. Margherita Hack Part of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, she was one of the greatest astrophysicists of our time, and was the recipient of many important awards, such as the International Cortina Julis in 95, or Knight of the Italian Republic.

Margarita Hack and Aldo De Rosa, Her husband, will die a year later but both in Trieste, where we are buried: she is in 2013 At the age of 91 due to heart problems It is the following year.

Margarita Hack between university and educational commitment

Margherita Hack He is actively engaged in publishing with his profession and research, participating in programs, interviews and interventions to make his sector known to as many people as possible. During his career he wrote nearly four hundred scientific articles, to which must be added university scientific texts such as the Stellar Spectroscopy thesis written in 1959 during his experiment at Berkeley with Otto Struve. Meanwhile, in 1978 he created his own magazine L’Astronomia with Lamberti, as well as Le Stelle magazine, both of which have informative titles. wallet from Margarita Hack Publications It is essential, and it does not end when the scientist reaches retirement: her interventions were numerous in the 1990s and 2000s, when she devoted herself to meetings and conferences around the world. In fact, her undergraduate career ended in the year 92, but the research and publishing activity continued so much that she was awarded the CIRAC directive in Trieste in the year 97.

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Margarita Hack’s Discoveries

Margherita Hack He contributed greatly to Italian astronomy and astrophysics, making the observatory of Trieste and beyond among the best in the sector. Her activity as a scientist ranged from the university to the popular field, promoting the study of space and its laws. Margherita Hack She was able to work on a spectroscopic classification of different types of stars, including Cepheids, the subject of her science degree thesis, explore the universe in ultraviolet light starting with Epsilon Aurigae, and study B-emission stars.

Margarita Hack’s Discoveries Related to contributing to the identification of quasars, pulsars, black holes, Grb, exoplanets, and more.

Astrophysicist, astronomer, famous but also activist

Margherita Hack Not only did he engage in the academic and scientific spheres, he took clear positions on the subject of civil rights, animal rights, and feminists. Margarita Hack was not religious, But he is so atheist that he served as the honorary president of the Union of Rational Atheists and Agnostics in 2002. He has given his voice to political and environmental struggles in favor of euthanasia and neighbor freedom and individuality.

The aim of the publishing activity was to make younger generations aware of the beauty and mysteries of space, in a language that is clear and accessible to all. All without relying on pseudoscience and superstition, but rather by appealing to a certain, rational science.

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